Monday, June 29, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 150; Numbers 6:24-26 - "Alive & Breathing"

The Lord woke me with the words to Matt Maher's song Alive & Breathing going through my head.

Awake, awake, awake my soul 
Joy still comes in the morning 
Hope still walks with the hurting 
If you're still alive and breathing 
Praise the Lord 

Yes! Joy...hope...If you're still alive and breathing...Praise the Lord! I mentioned this in my sermon yesterday. I failed to write down who wrote this about the last five Psalms but it is so good:

Praise is the theme of each of these psalms. It is like a mounting crescendo at the climax of a great symphony. The theme of praise has dominated all the psalms, but as the end approaches, the “conductor” brings in each section of the orchestra in one grand finale of praise. Psalm 150 is the climax of the climax, where we are exhorted 13 times in six short verses to praise the Lord. It is telling us that ...
God’s people should be caught up with praising Him.
Woo hoo! Yes! Praise should be a natural part of life. It should flow from our lips as easy as any words we say. We can go through difficult days on this earth but we still need to praise God. How? Why? Will it make a difference? Yes! We can praise Him through difficult times by living a life of praise. We need to see the glass half full instead of half empty. As we do, our focus will be on Him instead of ourselves. We need to praise Him through these days and allow Him to work in and through us to accomplish His will. Praising God is not an is our responsibility! I could start my week off grumbling about a lot of things but I refuse to give the enemy an open door into my life. Instead I will start it off praising God and giving Him an open door into filling me with more of Himself! I praise Him for...
  • nine hours of uninterrupted sleep
  • Doc being able to eat a little yesterday, getting up for church, and walking around the outside of the house once
  • God giving me a sermon that He desired to be presented and for all who heard it
  • the week ahead with no chemo and only two doctor appointments
  • friends who bless us by taking the trash, picking up items we need at Sam's Club, and encouraging us
  • the tires being replaced last week on the Honda so I don't have to be concerned with driving on the 'doughnut'
  • the way God speaks to me through songs, Scripture, other people, dreams, etc.
  • our Sunday School class that was so enlightening yesterday
  • giving me II Timothy 1:7 to stand upon so I do not have to fear the days ahead but instead can stand in His love
  • giving me a heart for people
  • the generous donation for the Building Fund and the kitchen appliances donated for the building
  • the electrical contractor who will finish the work needed to progression to happen at the building
  • encouraging me a few years ago to follow His call to preach
  • the date of August 2 being set for Ordination
So, so many things to praise Him, so many! I will continue to remember Psalm 150 this week so I do not forget to praise Him no matter what is happening! When difficulties come, I will remember Matt Maher's words. Praise isn’t something that we do to avoid our problems. Praise is the way through our problems. Yes! I will also not forget what Psalm 150 teaches me on how to praise God. I will praise Him with...a strong faith; holy love and delight; confidence in Him; a belief that He is greater than the powers of darkness; respect to all His commands; cheerful submission to His will; rejoicing in His love and goodness; sharing His salvation for all; and having hope and expectation of eternal life with Him! Woo hoo! Yes! I will be more intentional on living a life of praise!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the blessings You give us! Thank You for the way You love us so greatly! Lord, You are so good! Your love is so wonderful! Your empowerment is so mighty! Woo hoo! Praise Your Holy Name! Lord, I pray today will be a better day for Doc. I pray he can eat without issues and be able to be up and around more. I pray He will feel Your strength in a new, different way. Lord, I pray for Your healing touch upon him. I pray that healing touch to be upon David as he heals from the accident; my sister Linda as she deals with intense pain; Billie as she recuperate from surgery; Craig as he continues therapy; and so many others going through difficult times. Lord, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so I can be full of You. I pray You ooze out of me in a more intentional way than ever before. Father, I do not know what is ahead in this day but You do. I pray it will include many opportunities to love on people with Your love. Father, thank You for being The One I Praise! Amen.

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