Friday, June 19, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Deuteronomy 6; Psalm 107:1 - "The Blessing"

My heart is full to overflowing. Having Ben, Emily and the kids here to 'do life' with us was amazing. I loved making memories with them! God truly blessed us with the last couple of days. It was so neat to hear of their adventure so far and then to be a part of their adventure. Hearing them sing the prayer before meals warmed my heart. An advantage to having five children is teaching them how to be helpers. The older ones were always asking if I needed help. Hearing Mr. Weston say 'Mo-Mo Sheila' for the first time in person touched my heart. It seems like it was just yesterday that it was Miss Evelyn saying it. She is now growing into a wonderful young lady. Mr. Beckett had alone time with Papa Doc driving in the truck yesterday and Miss Annabel got her cuddling in Grandma's lap as soon as they came in the door. Miss Clementine worked hard on extra projects during our craft time last night to give to people. They all enjoyed making their 'treasure boxes' to store their memories in. It was a short trip but it was packed with lots of memories! I will have to say I sure enjoyed cooking for them as they all love to eat! Once again, I will say God truly blessed us with their visit. He blessed Doc with feeling like going to the beach and also with being able to eat. He blessed me with physical strength to be a grandma without being in a wheelchair! I wish I could tell Dr. Berke I met my goal. I know all of it was not because of what we did but instead was because of what God did in and through us. As we stand in His love and empowerment as II Timothy 1:7 says we will be victorious in our lives. Praise His Holy Name! Even in times of an emotional breakdown such as when Ben hugged me before leaving God is with me. He is My Strength. Woo hoo! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our time with Ben, Emily and the kids being with us! Thank You for the memories we made! Thank You for Doc having strength to go to the beach and being able to eat! Thank You for the safe travels they have already had and will continue to have on their adventure! Father, You are so good! You love us so greatly! May we bless You in abundance with our lives. May You cleanse us so You can fill us today to overflowing with more of You. May You be greater than anything that comes our way. I pray for Your direction as we finish our sermon. May Your words flow out of us on Sunday. Thank You for being The One Who Blesses Us In Abundance! Amen.

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