Monday, June 8, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 1:9-11 - "Love Take Me Over"

Words of Paul spoken to the church of Philippi came before me yesterday and I thought about how fitting they are for all believers. Philippians 1:9-11 reads in The Passion Transition:

I continue to pray for your love to grow and increase beyond measure, bringing you into the rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things. 10 This will enable you to choose the most excellent way of all—becoming pure and without offense until the unveiling of Christ. 11 And you will be filled completely with the fruits of righteousness that are found in Jesus, the Anointed One—bringing great praise and glory to God!
We all need:
  • our love to grow and increase beyond measure
  • a rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things
  • to choose the most excellent way of all
  • to become pure and without offense as we wait on Christ's return
  • to be filled completely with the fruits of righteousness found in Jesus
  • bring great praise and glory to God
No one should be content with having enough of God. We need to be in the mindset of wanting more of Him. Every morning I begin my day asking Him to cleanse me so He can fill me. I desire that so I do not miss anything that He puts before me and so there is nothing between me and Him. Matthew Henry wrote, A small measure of Christian love, knowledge, and fruitfulness should not satisfy any. Yes! The more I love Him, the more He can love through me. The more knowledge I have of Him, the more I can give. The more fruit that He can produce through me, the more people will hear/see Him through me. Woo hoo! I love the words to Love Take Me Over that Steven Curtis Chapman sings.

This is what I'm sure of, I can only show love
When I really know how loved I am
When it over takes me, then it animates me
Flowing from my heart into my hands

So I'm praying, Father, help my heart believe
That right now You're singing over me
And fill me up with Your love

Let your never-ending, never-failing, all-consuming love
Take over me

Yes! This is exactly what I desire in my life. I want to stand in II Timothy 1:7 and the only way I can is to be living in God's love. The only way the Holy Spirit can empower me is by me being cleansed so there is nothing between me and Him. God's love is the answer in my individual life and in my corporate life. I liked how Doc explained the word 'corporate' yesterday in his sermon. He said anyone who was watching was part of our 'corporate' body of believers. Brother Dan always says our 'neighbor' is anyone in our influence. This made me think about the relationships I have and my influence in them. In order for me to be doing God's will in sharing His love I must get better at loving with His love. I go back to Paul's words in Philippians 1:9-11 and realize this. My love and knowledge for God must increase. As it does, He will reveal things He desires of me. He will cleanse me and work in and through me as I choose Him. I will be Christ-like as I allow Him to be in total control of my life. As I live this type of live, I will praise Him and He will be glorified through me. Woo hoo! Just as this song says I pray He will...Let your never-ending, never-failing, all-consuming love take over me every day of my life. I desire for people to see/hear Him and not me. I desire for His love to ooze out of me in such a way there is no doubt who lives in me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the blessings of yesterday! Thank You for Doc preaching! Thank You for him being able to eat some! Thank You for being with my sister Linda as she was in pain yesterday! I pray today she will feel better. I also pray for Amanda as she has surgery today. May You continue to heal her from the cancer in her body. I pray the same prayer for Doc. I also pray for a physical touch for Mike's back. May You be greater than all these physical ailments. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me today with more of You. May Your love ooze out of me in a new, different way. Thank You for all the sermons and times of praise and worship I watched yesterday! What a blessing to have the virtual platform to receive blessings from! I continue to pray for pastors who are making tough decisions with their leadership during the time with the coronavirus. May You be so real to them. May You strengthen them through these 'tough' days. Thank You for stopping the bad dreams when I prayed during the night! Thank You Jesus for being My Filler! Amen.


Sandi said...


My Strength said...

Blessings on your day Sandi!