Sunday, April 5, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Waymaker"

Waymaker...Miracle Worker...Promise Keeper...Light in the Darkness...My God that is who You are...

Waymaker...Miracle Worker...Promise Keeper...Light in the Darkness...My God that is who You are...

Waymaker...Miracle Worker...Promise Keeper...Light in the Darkness...My God that is who You are...

These words are repeating in my head as I pray for pastors. My heart breaks for so many in these days. Today I am praying for...

  • my pastor who is experiencing so much pain and needs a miracle
  • pastors who are struggling with having to do technological things that are beyond their knowledge to keep preaching and teaching during this COVID19 and for those who have chosen to not go that route
  • spouses of pastors as they strive to support their pastor during these challenging days
  • pastors with people in the hospital or dying and not being able to be there for them and their family
  • pastors who are going without a paycheck
  • my pastor friends who have a serious decision to make about his health
  • pastors with prodigal children to not give up praying for them
  • my pastor friend with cancer and my pastor friend whose wife has cancer
  • Patty, Steve, and Patricia who will not only be facing their first Easter without their spouse but not be able to spend it with family due to COVID19
  • pastors who are struggling with illness/disease in their physical bodies to receive healing and ones struggling with illness in their spiritual bodies to receive cleansing
  • church bodies to realize how they need to support their pastor more than ever as we go through these difficult times
  • pastors, like myself, who are struggling to keep everything together for the church while dealing with tough issues in their own lives
It is no wonder God has this song going through my mind. We all need Him to be our Waymaker...Miracle Worker...Promise Keeper...Light in the Darkness. The only way for that to happen is for us to live in His presence 24/7. We must die to self so He can live in and through us. We must allow Him access to every room in our heart. If we don't, He will not be able to accomplish what He desires through us. Oh how I am praying for more people, especially pastors, to get to this point in their life. I pray people will get to the end of themselves so He can be their King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I pray more people will stand in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as Paul teaches in II Timothy 1:7. Then, and only then, will His love be able to flow from them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this time to pray for pastors! I love my Saturday nights of prayer. Lord, we've talked about many pastors tonight. You've had me pray over some groups and You've had me pray over some individuals. I pray You will bless my prayers in abundance. I ask Your special touch upon all pastors, spouses, and their families. I pray specifically for: Doc as he is in such pain to have wisdom; Mark; Pattie; Steve; Patricia; and my pastor friend with cancer. Lord, be greater than the circumstances we are living in on this earth. May You give great wisdom and strength to all who call upon You. May You cleanse me so You can fill me with Your Holy Spirit. May I be Your hands and feet today in a way that makes You smile. Whatever is ahead in this day, I pray I will glorify You through it. Thank You for being My Waymaker! Amen.

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