Tuesday, April 21, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 87 - "King of the World"

I woke up early and laid listening and talking with God. He gave me a Scripture and a song for my day. He also gave me words of encouragement for my personal life and for ministry. I love times of just being still and allowing Him to fill me up. I could not believe an hour and a half had gone by when I finally climbed out of bed. Then I opened my Bible and read Psalm 87 in various translations. I love the word picture of this Psalm as I think about seeing Jerusalem a few years ago. That trip was such a highlight of my life. Even though there were men and women with automatic weapons around I still felt so at peace there. I would love to return someday to spend more time learning and experiencing life. But the Jerusalem spoken of in this Psalm is not just that one but is also about the one in heaven. The first three verses are about the one I visited and the second three verses are about heaven where I will spend eternity. The only way to spend eternity there is to be a believer and live a life for God. I was reminded this morning of our sweet Miss Annabel who just a few months ago asked Jesus into her heart. What a blessing to know your children are raising their children in the Lord!

I was blessed to be raised in knowing God loved me and would never leave me. He calmed me in times of fear. One time when the last of my siblings had left home I had to sleep by myself. It was a scary time for me but God gave me a vision of Him being with me and I was calmed. I would have been maybe seven or eight yet I still see that vision of Him in the big picture window of my room. I had not went through the formality of accepting Jesus into my heart yet He was there with me. What a blessing to live such a life! God loves everyone of us. He desires us to love Him and to allow Him to work in and through us to love others. There are times when we don't listen or we fail to do His will. But no matter what He loves us. Every day I start the day asking for a cleansing in my spirit so He can use me to be His faithful servant. The song He gave me this morning is King of the World that Natalie Grant sings. I heard her sing it on a Samaritan's Purse special Sunday night and was so blessed. 

When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world?
I try to take life back right out of the hands of the king of the world
How could I make you so small
When you're the one who holds it all
When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world

Ohhhh, you set it all in motion
Every single moment
You brought it all to be
And you're holding on to me

We do at times forget just how powerful He is. We sometimes forget He is in control when things seem so out of control. But we must remember even when things seem out of control they never are in His mind. We may not be able to comprehend how it can be but He is still in control even in the midst of things such as pancreatic cancer and COVID-19. He is still in control when people are dying from overdoses, alcoholism, etc. He is still in control when people are going hungry or homeless. Plain and simple. He is still in control. I cannot explain all the 'whys' of situations but I can explain who can and that is God. He has all the answers. I desire to live a life sold-out to Him so He will flow in and through me. I want to make my Heavenly Daddy pleased while I am on this earth. I am so ready to be gone from here and living in heaven. But I know I have to wait until He takes me from this earth or He returns for me. This morning I have a chorus going through my mind that we use to sing in children's church.

I've got a river of life flowing out of me
Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see,
Opens prison doors, sets the captive free.
I've got a river of life flowing out of me.
Spring up, O well, within my soul.
Spring up, O well, and make me whole
Spring up, O well, and give to me
That life abundantly

Yes! I desire to live a life abundantly for Him! I believe that takes going beyond salvation. We must die to self so He is the One who has total control over our thoughts, actions, words, and attitude. He has to be the King of our world for this to happen. He has to be the Lord of Lords of our heart. When He is these things, we will have life abundantly and will rejoice as Psalm 87:7 is fulfilled in us...

And the princes of God’s feasts will sing and dance, singing,
“Every fountain of delight springs up from your life within me!” (TPT)

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our special time this morning! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for the way You are blessing me with grand babies who are being raised to love You! Thank You for Doc being up more yesterday and even going for a short walk! I pray for another 'good' day for him and I continue to pray for a healing in his body while he is on this earth. Lord, we need a miracle. Thank You for being my mental strength as I completed a project yesterday! Thank You for a time of rest yesterday! Thank You for all the ways You bless us every day! Thank You for being with my Momma as we went through the day of my Daddy's seventh anniversary of leaving us! Lord, You are so, so good! Cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. Empower me to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 throughout this day with whatever lies ahead. Give me Your words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a more intentional way than ever before. May I be bold in my testimony and may Your love flow freely from me. Lord, there are so many hurting people. Some are hurting mentally; some emotionally; some financially; some physically; but Lord I pray most of all for those who are hurting spiritually. I pray for: restoration in relationships; prodigals to return; believers to go beyond just believing and to die to self; and all who know You to share You as You desire. Thank You Jesus for being The King of My World! Amen.

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