Tuesday, April 14, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 4:13 - 'Oceans"

The governor was right yesterday when he said we experienced a different kind of storm. Seeing the damage from the tornadoes and hearing that nineteen people died in South Carolina from them was terrible. We prayed for protection and God answered our prayers. I'm sure there were many who prayed those same prayers and yet either died or had loved ones die. We never know when our time on this earth will be over. We must be ready to walk into His arms at all time. God woke me up once during the night to pray for those who lost their homes or material possessions to have people surround them with His love. He also had me pray for those who lost loved ones to be comforted. I can't even imagine what those who have lost a loved one are going through in this time of quarantine with COVID19. My heart would break to not be able to be with family during the time of a loss. I pray for the Stanley's who are going through this very thing. After I went back to sleep from praying I had a dream that Margaret Hubacher died. I immediately prayed for her and her family. Mom had said the other day she was in the hospital and very ill. I woke up this morning to read her obituary. I know nothing God does should surprise me but sometimes things like this do. Maybe I should use the word 'amaze' instead of 'surprise' in such situations. I am so grateful He uses me as His willing servant to pray. After praying for Margaret this morning my prayers turned to those hospitalized. Vance Sharpe from an accident; Rev. Fite from a heart attack; Buck; and Spencer who is having a liver transplant. I prayed protection for Doc who will go for blood work tomorrow and possible chemo and myself as I have a doctor appointment. I prayed for protection over everyone who has to go into a medical setting. Those prayers led me to praying for first responders for protection. So, so many people/situations to pray for. I am so blessed in knowing God hears every one of my prayers. He may not answer them in the way I desire but He will answer them in the best way for me. Sometimes it is hard to understand 'why' our prayers are answered in the way they are. Sometimes it doesn't make sense but I keep reminding myself He is in control. If I had my way, Doc would receive a supernatural healing now. Actually, if I had my way that healing would have happened a long time ago. But I must remember that I pray for His will not mine. Therefore, Doc's healing will happen in His time. Oh how I pray that time will be while he is still with me. But if it doesn't I know He will empower me to continue on. It's just so hard to hear your husband ask, 'When am I going to die?' Cancer stinks! Living in pain stinks! My heart is breaking but I cannot allow the enemy an open door. I will continue to stand in God's love and empowerment as II Timothy 1:7 directs me. I will continue to stand in God's wisdom as Proverbs 3:5-6 direct me. I will continue to lean into His strength as Philippians 4:13 directs me. Plain and simple. I will continue. There are days where the tears won't stop falling and I feel like I am falling apart but I will continue to seek God through these tough days. He will continue to give me exactly what I need when I need it. I know I need to proclaim these things so they will stay in the forefront of my thoughts.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for many during the night! Ones who lost loved ones and/or possessions in the tornadoes; Stanley Family; Vance Sharpe; Rev. Fite; Spencer; the Hubacher Family; Buck Traylor; and my dear husband. Father we need Your continued strength during these tough days. Doc needs Your supernatural strength to get through the pain until his healing comes. He needs to feel Your presence in a mighty way as he waits. Father, cleanse us so You can fill us with more of You. May we be seen/heard through our words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a more intentional way. Lord, use us as You so desire. We are Your willing servants. Thank You Jesus for being Our Strength in This Storm! Amen.

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