Friday, April 24, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Oceans"

Today is Friday. I think. LOL! These days are hard to keep track of with the COVID-19. For some people, this use to be the last day of their work week. For students, it use to be the last day of their school week. It use to be our 'day off' for many years. We did everything possible to 'protect' it so we could spend it doing what we wanted to do. Normally, that included going shopping and out-to-eat or spending it with family. I love 'dates' with my honey and Fridays were so special. Now we are together 24/7 with very few 'dates' happening due to 'C' being in our lives. This is a week where I really could use a 'date' night. I feel like this week has been one of the longest of my life but I'm sure there have probably been worse ones. I feel like I can't function today. The tears want to fall without stopping and I just want to lay in bed. When I finally decided I needed to get up, I didn't have to because my honey had brought my laptop and Vitamin water into the bedroom at some point for me. That is a good thing and a bad thing. It allows me to stay in bed a little bit longer. I can just hear my Daddy say, "Now Sheila Babe. It's OK to rest but you cannot stay laying around. If you do, the MS will take over." I know what I have to do to keep functioning but days like today don't make me want to do it. I think my problem is this week was too full of emotions. The anniversary of my Daddy's death and his birthday; storms with threats of tornadoes; continued 'junk' of COVID-19; mammogram; Doc's blood work being low and not knowing if he was going to have chemo; his chemo treatment causing such sickness afterward; the scheduling of a CT scan to see why the cancer marker has jumped so high and to see what is causing his pain; not being able to be with him for appointments; my Momma being alone; deaths of friends family members from pancreatic cancer; stress from completing some important paperwork for the church...goodness. When I put it on paper, it's no wonder I feel like I'm falling apart. I am grateful for God's love and strength. I need more of Him to not just get through this day but to thrive through it. I don't want to be crying all day long. I don't want to feel like I can't put one foot in front of the other. I need my tank filled up. I need Him to show His mighty empowerment through me. I know it will take action from me for this to happen. I have to allow Him to have total access into my life and stand in faith knowing He is here for me.

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
And You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour

Yes! As I live in His presence, He will continue to give me exactly what I need. As I give Him all of these things from this week, He will fill me will what I need to see them as opportunities to grow in my relationship with Him instead of burdens. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment. I know this is the only way to live a life of obedience to Him. I also know it is the only way to live in peace in times of turmoil. I am grateful for this knowledge and for the way He uses me as His faithful servant. I am going to soak in Him today and allow Him to refresh me. I know His will is for me to lean into Him and that is exactly what I will be more intentional in doing. I'm tired from this week in many aspects of my life but I will not allow the enemy an open door because of it. I will allow God to fill me up with more of Him so His strength is mine. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for ten plus hours of sleep last night! Thank You for protecting us from the storms! I pray for those who had damage or loss of life to be surrounded by people who will love them with Your love. I also pray for Doc to not be in bed all day today. Thank You for him being able to eat a little yesterday! Thank You for Chris who picked up groceries for us; Carol who brought cookies; and Darryll who brought gelato yesterday! We felt so loved! Lord, be with my Momma who has had a 'tough' emotional week too. It's so hard for her to be alone. I also pray for those who have lost loved ones this week from pancreatic cancer. Tracy and Sheryl. I continue to pray for people with who have been diagnosed with COVID-19; front-line workers; and all of us to be protected from it. I pray for our government as they make decisions regarding this pandemic and for those with loss of income due to it. Lord, use all believers to show Your love to those who are hurting so badly in these days. May You be glorified in all we do. May Your love flow freely from us as we do Your will. I pray prayers of protection over my friend with marital issues and a family in turmoil. May You be their strength in a mighty way. Thank You Jesus for being My Everything! Amen.

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