Saturday, April 11, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Holy Water"

Last night was not one of sleep but instead one of prayer. Doc had a 'bad' night which meant there were many times of being woke up. Every time I was awake I prayed for God to give him relief. One time we were woke up from the Ring going off and I prayed for our protection. Another time I was woke up by a car going by and again I prayed for protection. Another time it was just him being uncomfortable and my thoughts turned to those in pain so I prayed for not only him but many others. I prayed for pastors who are struggling with the change of 'doing church' on the internet instead of in the building; those who are having 'drive-in services' and are facing storms tomorrow; those who are not doing services at all; and for people to support them however they can including giving of their tithes and offerings. This is such a tough time for everyone staying home. I'm grateful for not having to worry about whether Doc can go to church since church is in our home. I'm grateful for the people who are seeking God during this time. I had a conversation yesterday about someone who is going to church Sunday after having a conversation with a pastor. I pray they will go and will hear something to make them realize they need Jesus in their life. I'm also praying for pastors to have messages where people will desire to make changes in their lives. I'm praying for altar calls to be given even in a time when we physically cannot have such a thing. These times are calling for us to be creative in how we present the Gospel. They are calling for us to be bold with our words and not give up on people. Oh how I pray for more people to come into relationship with Him. I also am praying for those who already believe to get to the end of themselves and allow Him to be Lord of Lords over their lives. I am praying for all believers to stand in His empowerment as II Timothy 1:7 calls us to do. We do not have to live in fear but instead can live in His love and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This morning the words to Holy Water are going through my mind...

Your forgiveness
Is like sweet, sweet honey on my lips
Like the sound of a symphony to my ears
Like holy water on my skin
On my skin

Yes! His forgiveness is all it takes to be cleansed. We need to repent daily of the sins we know of and the ones we may not be aware of. He is ready at all time to wipe our slates clean. The desire of His heart is for us to have pure hearts. He desires us to see and hear as He does but that can only be accomplished when we strive to life a life of holiness. A life of purity. A life sold out to Him. That is the life I strive to live every day.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the times of prayer during the night! Father, my heart breaks for Doc. My prayers continue to be for his healing while on this earth. Father, please bless us with that. Please give him a better day today than yesterday. Lessen his pain and allow him to be up functioning. Lord, I know we are not the only ones going through such times and I pray Your strength for all who are struggling physically. Lord, be with all pastors who are finishing up sermons, figuring out technology, etc. May You be their mental and emotional strength today. May You be greater than the obstacles that come before them. May they realize tomorrow is going to be different but it does not have to be a 'bad' different. May they remember You are still in control even in these different days. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be seen/heard through me today in a mighty way. Thank You for the opportunity to pick strawberries yesterday! Thank You for the three families I gifted some to! May You continue to use me as Your willing servant. Thank You for being My Holy Water! Amen.

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