Thursday, April 2, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Cornerstone" and "Raise A Hallelujah"

Last night was a 'rough' one between Doc not doing well, me in pain, 'bad' dreams, me thinking about everything that has to be accomplished over the next few days...urgh! I prayed several times and asked God to give me good rest but it just seemed like it wasn't to be. I prayed for Him to knock the enemy out of my dreams and that was accomplished. What I didn't pray for was His peace. I should have. If I would have, I wouldn't be awake now with a giant headache. How am I to get through this day with the way I am feeling? How will I ever get done what needs done with this headache? How can I focus with little rest? Plain and simple. I must trust God and live through the empowerment of His Holy Spirit just as II Timothy 1:7 tells me to do. If last night was because God wanted me to listen better to Him, I failed. I don't want to fail in anything but especially with Him. If I missed praying for someone last night, I repent. If I missed hearing from the Lord because all I could think about was needing sleep, I repent. I am thankful He is here with me this morning ready to hear the cries of my heart. I also am thankful I am able to hear Him to know what He desires of me. Last night as Brother Dan preached about love I had a yearning in my spirit to become love in a more intentional way. Oh how I desire to have His love flow out of me so people will desire to have them in their life. Sandi commented on my blog about how she didn't know how people get through 'normal' days without Him. I totally agree. The thing that breaks my heart is to see people doing life without Him. They don't have to struggle all alone but instead can depend upon Him. Yesterday as I waited on Doc to have his chemo I walked and prayed. I kept having these words from Cornerstone go through my mind...

Christ alone
Weak made strong 
In the Savior's love 
Through the storm 
He is Lord 
Lord of all 

Yes! He has proven His strength in me over and over again. The deeper I go in His love the deeper my faith goes. He is the Only Way I can get through these days of coronavirus in peace. He is the Only Way I can continue on every day as I watch Doc going through pancreatic cancer. He is the Only Way I can have clear direction on making decisions. Plain and simple. He is the Only Way. Woo hoo! This morning these words to Raise A Hallelujah were ones I woke up to...

I'm gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you're gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive

I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me

Yes! The enemy does not like when we praise God! He does not like our praises but instead thrives on our lament. I refuse to give the enemy an open door into my life. If I wallow in self-pity, that is exactly what will happen. I did not choose this life but I know who is with me every step of the way. God. I know every obstacle that comes along in life is an opportunity to take me deeper in relationship with my Heavenly Father. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of my life. He is everything I need. All I have to do is lean into Him to feel His presence as never before. He is with me 24/7 and for that I am grateful. Where was He in the middle of the night in all the chaos that was happening? Right there with me but I was too distraught to allow Him to soothe my soul. Shame on me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunities You presented to me yesterday to love with Your love! Thank You for the receptionist who was in horrible pain and You prompted me to pray with! Thank You for Your protection as I broke the social distancing rule to lay hands on her! Thank You for her call later in the day to thank me and tell me her pain had lessened! Thank You for being with Doc as he was so sick yesterday! Father, I pray today will be a better day for him physically! Thank You for giving him exactly what he needs if it isn't better! Thank You for providing strength as I made dinners of Thanksgiving for our neighbors who take care of us so well. I pray for continued blessings over Campbells and Ellsworths. Thank You for our Bible study last night and for those who participated! Thank You for Brother Dan's message on love! Father, I pray continued blessings on him and those in the Becoming Love ministry especially right now as they can't be on the road. Continue to open doors for them to reach people who need to hear the Gospel. May You cleanse me so You can fill me so I can become better at living out Your love. May You be with me today and help me to prioritize the tasks before me so I will accomplish what You desire. May I not lose focus on You at any time but know Your empowerment is over me. Open doors for me to fulfill the desires of Your heart. Lord, I pray for: David as he continues treatment; Martha as she recovers from surgery; Little Weston and his family as they continue to wait on Your time for them to go home; one newly diagnosed with pancreatic caner to find You; my friend with back pain; protection over Sandy and others who are working in hospitals; family members of those hospitalized that can't be with them; Carletta as she continues to regain her health; many in foreign countries who do not have the same medical care available as they have the virus; and many family members who need to come into relationship with You. Oh how I pray for none to go to hell when they leave this earth. Thank You Jesus for being My Only Way! Amen.

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