Saturday, April 4, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Prov 3:5-6; Eph 6:10-20 - "Haven't Seen It Yet"

I woke up after having a bad dream and had a meltdown with tears. When Doc woke up, I asked him to hold me for comfort. Sometimes I believe God gives us dreams to warn us and this was one of them. We've been contemplating me making a grocery store run. We have neighbors and church friends who have picked us up needed items over the last few weeks but there are so many things I want but don't necessarily need. I checked on Wal-mart for pickup but some of the needed items aren't on it. I checked on Kroger for pick-up and may end up making a trip over there but some of the items I want aren't on there. After the dream I had, I will not be making a trip into the grocery store. Easter dinner will be whatever we have and it will be ok. Our lives are more important than our 'normal' Easter meal. After getting up I kept having a song going through my mind but I just couldn't get it. Finally, God led me to it. These words speak volumes to me right now with our situation with the cancer in Doc's pancreas.

It's like the brightest sunrise 
Waiting on the other side
Of the darkest night
Don't ever lose hope, hold on and believe
Maybe you just haven't seen it 
Just haven't seen it yet
You're closer than you think you are 
Only moments from the break of dawn
All His promises are just up ahead
Maybe you just haven't seen it 
Just haven't seen it yet

I cannot quit praying for a miracle in Doc's situation. I cannot quit hoping for his healing to happen while he is on this earth. I cannot quit believing God will keep His promises. Plain and simple. I cannot quit. Instead I will allow the tears that are falling to cleanse me. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment. I will continue to stand upon Proverbs 3:5-6 and trust Him. I will continue to put on His armor as in Ephesians 6:10-20 and stand in His strength. Plain and simple. I will continue. This morning I feel very weak emotionally but I know I am strong spiritually. God is with us every moment of every day. He will not only sustain us but He will enable us to thrive in Him. The song ends with these words...

He is moving with a love so deep
Hallelujah for the victory
Good things are coming even when we can't see
We can't see it yet, but we believe that

Yes! He is my Victory on this earth and He will be my Victory in glory! I just have to keep believing that nothing surprises Him and He already knows the outcome. The more I lean into His love and allow Him to love me and love through me the more I will be empowered to stand in victory. 

Dear Jesus,
Oh Father, these days are so hard. But You already know that. There is nothing I can say You don't already know. You know my heart so well. Thank You for being there to comfort me! Father, I am once again asking for a miraculous healing in Doc. I am asking for Your supernatural empowerment to come down upon him in a mighty way. Father, even if You don't take the cancer away right now would You please take the pain away? Would You please allow him to eat without being sick and in pain? Father, I am believing in You. I am believing Your love for us is greater than anything that happens on this earth. Lord, I pray for healing in others. Physical, mental, emotional, financial, and most of all spiritual. I pray a cleansing in my soul so You can love through me in a more intentional way today. I pray for protection over: Dorothy as she is driving; David as he goes for treatment; my friend whose wife is in the hospital and may be allowed in with her due to the severity of her health issues; my Momma; Baby Evan; Ben as he goes out into the food banks; Craig; those with compromised immune systems; Melissa and the ladies at the infusion center; my friends who have a serious decision to make; Sandy and her coworkers at the hospital; police and fire personnel; all who have contracted the coronavirus and their list goes on and on. May You be greater than anything that comes before us today. May people see/hear You through me today. May I be Your willing servant in a more intentional way in the day ahead. Thank You for being My Victory! Amen.

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