Thursday, April 9, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 113-118; Matthew 21 - "Provider"

Last night Doc shared that we should read Psalm113-118 since it was the start of Passover. These Scripture are called "The Hallel" because they praise God. The word 'hallelujah' is found throughout the Scripture. These particular Psalms are ones the Jews sang during the Passover seder. Last week when I preached about the Triumphal Entry I read the New Testament Scripture where the people shouted "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" (Matthew 21). This verse was quoted from Psalm 118:26. I have fond memories of the Passover Seders we attended and hosted in Ohio. I loved how I learned something every year. I was so blessed to see pictures of Ben's family having one in their home last night. What a blessing to know your grand babies are being raised in knowing why we believe and the rich history of our Christianity. What Ben and Emily are teaching them is priceless and is grounding them in their beliefs. One writer wrote about the Passover Seder: 

The family celebration of Pesakh was a relatively simple affair in the first century: roasted lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs and four cups of wine. After the fourth cup, which is called the cup of rest, the family would read or sing “a hymn,” which is usually Psalms 115-118. What is God saving us from and giving us rest from? What kind of slavery is He redeeming us from? Man may be free but they are in chains. When they live in unrestrained “freedom” we are in bondage.

The things of this world can hold us in bondage. When we allow people or things to become our idol, they will take up our time and will deplete our financial assets. But when we stay focused on God our needs are all met and we lack for nothing. As our focus stays centered on Him the only thing we desire more of is Him. Praise His Holy Name! We have much to praise Him for every day. Some days it may seem like there is nothing or little to praise God for. But no matter what you can always find something to praise Him for. I felt 'off' yesterday. I can't pinpoint it exactly but I just didn't feel right. I don't know if it was because Doc wasn't able to get chemo due to low blood counts so my schedule was changed or what. Nancy said last night maybe it was the quarantine getting to me. I am enjoying this time but I also do feel like I am not accomplishing much. It seems like it is easy to lay in the hammock with the soft breeze as I read instead of cleaning or completing a task. Rest is a good thing and I believe God is giving this time to us to rest and draw closer to Him. I also believe this time is a gift to us. I don't want to 'unwrap' this gift wrong. I want to savor this time of 'unwrapping' but I don't want to miss something in it that He has for me. I think what I need to do is pray more intentionally for Him to reveal to me what He wants me to accomplish each day instead of me thinking about how the office needs cleaned or the storage barn need painted or all the other projects that go through my mind. I need to be intentional on being in His Word more and studying what He puts before me. I just want to do what He desires of me to do and I want to be praising Him more in the process. I don't want to be a slave to tasks but instead want to live in the freedom of knowing I am 'unwrapping' this gift of time in the desire of His will. Woo hoo! I also do not want to be a slave to fear of things such as too low of a white blood count but instead desire to live in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His love and empowerment no matter what happens in the days ahead. His love is greater than anything that can come before me. His love is greater than the doubts the enemy tries to put in my head. His love is greater than the cancer in Doc's pancreas. Plain and simple. His love is greater and I will praise Him for that knowledge.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way I felt Your presence throughout yesterday when I was feeling 'off'! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for giving me wisdom as I prepared for Bible study last night! Thank You for those who participated in the study! It is amazing how our attendance has increased in our on-line services. Lord, use this time to not only increase our numbers but also to increase our spiritual bodies. May we come out of this time of staying at home deeper in our relationship with You. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. I pray Your empowerment over Doc today in his physical, emotional, mental, and most of all his spiritual body. I pray for Your healing to come upon him from the pancreatic cancer. I pray for Your healing to come upon him for every malfunction in his body. Thank You for a safe trip for Bob and Beth yesterday! Thank You for the blessing of seeing pictures from Ben and Emily's Passover seder! What a blessing to see the grand babies being raised in knowing their Christian roots! I pray for Doug and his family with his Momma being in the hospital. Father, continue to comfort Mary as she grieves. I also pray for Your peace to be with Shirlin with today being the anniversary date of Mike's death. Father, there are so many hurting people for so many different reasons. I pray for Barb as she continues to mourn the recent death of her husband along with ones who have lost their spouse in the last year. Pattie, Jim, Patricia, Nancy, Shirley, Corrie, Steve, Renee, June, and I'm sure there are more but I can't recall them right now. I continue to pray for Dorothy, Momma, Mr. Fran, Nancy, Iwilda, Nancy, Shirley, Linda, Shirley, Shirley, and many others who have lost their spouses over the years. Lord, be so real to all. Be so real. Thank You for being real to me! Thank You for being My Provider! Amen.

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