Sunday, April 12, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Haven't See It Yet"

Before going to sleep I prayed for pastors to not fret over today. I prayed for them to realize God was with them throughout these different days. I was so tired I didn't think I would wake during the night to pray but He woke me once to pray for pastors to have peace in their spirits. I have heard so many say how frustrated they are right now and I prayed the enemy would have no open door into them or the church they are serving. I prayed for them to realize this is not about them or the inadequacies they are feeling. God will continue to use all of us as we allow Him. All we have to do is stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment. As we allow His love to flow in and through us we will realize He is in control. He will take the 'bad' things that happen and use them for good. He will see our frustration and calm our spirits. He is always with us and will continue to be. Today will be a 'different' kind of Easter in that we are not able to worship physically together. But the story didn't change of what happened many years ago when Jesus' resurrected from the dead. The story of Him dying on the cross to save the sins of all mankind did not change. The only thing that is different is how we are presenting the Gospel. I pray for pastors who are not preaching this morning to not be discouraged. I also pray for worship leaders who normally are leading a great cantata to not be discouraged. We all need to lean into the Lord in a greater way so the enemy does not have an open door into our lives to discourage us. We need to allow Him to work in and through us so people will have the opportunity to come into relationship with Him. He desires for all mankind to be walking with Him. Not only does He desire us to walk with Him but He desires us to walk a road of obedience to His will. The only way to do that is to die to self so He can be the Lord of Lords over our entire life. Oh how I pray for more believers to get to this point in their relationship with Him. I pray for them to realize life is not about them but about Him. Today is the day we celebrate His raising from the grave. There is no better day for people to raise from the pit of living in sin and be cleansed anew. Woo hoo! Oh how I pray for people to make changes in their life so they can be made new.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead today! I pray for pastors who will 'do' service today in a different way than what they are used to. I pray for pastors who are not doing service at all. Lord, these are different days but I truly believe You are becoming more real to believers. I was talking with one yesterday that said she thinks when COVID19 is over the church will be different. She said she thinks people will no longer be stifled in their worship but instead will be free to raise their hands, say amen, etc. Oh how I pray for more freedom in services. I pray for people to be more open in loving with Your love and sharing You with others. Lord, I pray an anointing on services today so people will desire to make changes in their lives. I pray for Doc and I as we present the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. I pray something will be said that will make people desire to make changes in their lives. Lord, I pray for Lee's family with Jon's death yesterday. My heart breaks for them to lose him so young but also it breaks with our present circumstances being they cannot gather as a family to mourn. May You be their peace. I pray You will be Doc's peace in the midst of the storm of pancreatic cancer. His days are getting tougher but we know You are still in control. Lord, I continue to pray for a miraculous healing in his situation. May You heal him and remove anything not of You out of his body. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me with Your Holy Spirit. May You be seen/heard through my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude throughout this day in a greater way than ever before. Be with those who are celebrating You today alone. May people contact them and may they make contact with others to help them through the day. I pray for those separated from family due to one being in the hospital. May You encourage their hearts greatly. I pray for a healing in Buck's body and others who are dealing with physical issues. I continue to pray for Sharpe's with Vance's accident last night. Lord, I pray especially for those who need a healing in their spiritual bodies to find Your peace today. Thank You Jesus for being My Lord of Lords! Amen.

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