Sunday, March 10, 2019

Romans 11:36 - "The More I Seek Him"

The Lord woke me multiple times during the night to pray for pastors. The first time He had me pray for pastors who were going to be in the pulpit for the first time. Some it will be the first time at a new church and others it will be their first time ever preaching. The second time my prayers were directed to 'seasoned' pastors who feel like they have nothing left to give. They are overwhelmed with life and feel beat down. He had me pray for a renewal in their spirits. The third time was for my pastor/husband for peace in his body as he was struggling with pain during the night. The fourth time was amazing when He spoke to me about all believers but especially pastors to be Kingdom Carriers. He put into my mind a car seat that carries babies and small children. He told me to pray for more people to take on the role of protecting others by sharing the true meaning of what Kingdom living is all about. He had me pray for people to realize before they can share this type of living they have to live it. He reminded me of something I wrote about for school last night. In Revelation 10 John tells the angel to 'eat' the book. Wesley wrote, "This was an emblem of thoroughly considering and digesting it." In The Pastor’s Guide to Effective Preaching Peterson wrote, “’Eat this book,’ a phrase in John’s Revelation, is both definitive and formative for pastors as we preach.” Peterson reiterates how before we can expect others to eat it, we must eat it ourselves. He continues, “If we have not entered this text as participants, we aren’t going to understand what is going on.” In reading Scripture, Peterson wrote, “The most important question we ask of this text is not, ‘What does this mean?’ but ‘What can I obey?’  A simple act of obedience will open up our lives to the text far more quickly than any number of Bible studies and dictionaries and concordances.” The word 'obedience' is one I am very familiar with. As I walk the road of obedience, the Lord blesses me with more of Him. The more I seek Him, the more I find Him. The deeper I go in my faith, the deeper I want to go. When I feel like I am bursting with His love, I desire more. The more I walk in obedience, the more I want people to see/hear in me. Wow, God is so good! He is so great! He is so mighty! The more Christ-like I become, the more people will see His attributes through me. I feel like I am going to burst this morning as I ponder upon the prayers and thoughts He laid on my heart during the night. If I were preaching today, I am not sure what would happen but I do know He would flow out of me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that enables me to seek being Christ-like! Thank You for the blessed day we had yesterday even through the physical pain we both endured! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me. May everyone who sees/hears me today realize I am seeking living a Christ-like life. Lord, once again I bring all pastors to You. I pray for Your empowerment to be upon them in a new, different way today. I pray for all believers but especially pastors to realize You are to be glorified through us. May we all seek being Kingdom Carriers for You! Thank You Jesus for being My Empowerment! Amen.

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