Saturday, March 9, 2019

Matthew 6:10b - "Here As In Heaven"

The Lord woke me at 3:30AM with an urgency to pray for those who had treatments this week, my little guy with the broken foot, and my hubby who is still battling kidney stone pain. He had me pray for 'good rest' for all of them. As I prayed, the phrase "on earth as it is in heaven" kept being a part of my prayers. As I prayed it, I questioned God as to why with so many people praying in this manner there is still 'C' on this earth. Why are there still relationship issues on this earth when there will be harmony and peace in heaven? He clearly said to me, "Earth is not ready yet." Alrighty then. What does that mean? Does it mean there are too many people not ready for His return? From 3:30 until 5:00 I prayed and pondered. It hurts my heart to see so many people going through 'C' and all the ways the treatments effect their bodies. It also hurts my heart to see people suffering with other diseases. Some are in pain. Some do not have the money for the medication their doctors prescribe. Some have side effects from the medication prescribed. Some have been put in nursing facilities and forgotten by their family. Some families are torn apart by their children's illness. None of what I pondered upon is "as it is in heaven." My heart is breaking this morning. As I see the sun come up, I pray for the Son to be very real to all I prayed for during the night. I pray for people to walk into people's lives today who need encouraged and to do just that. I pray for people who need a physical, emotional, financial, professional, or mental healing to receive but most of all I pray for those who need a spiritual healing to be blessed with one today. I pray for believers to go deeper in their faith. What would happen if all believers prayed "on earth as it is in heaven" and believed it were possible? What would happen if people saw miraculous healings occur right before their eyes? I've been miraculously healed. I also have seen others receive such healing. Maybe that is why I know "on earth as it is in heaven" is possible. I pray for others who have received miraculous healing to go back to that moment in their life and bask on it for awhile so they can be changed in their spiritual life. God gave me second chances in my spiritual life but He also blessed me with second chances in my physical life. I desire to glorify Him every day because of the way He has blessed me. What would our little world look like if more desired to glorify Him? How can people going through treatments glorify Him when they hurt? I remember treatments number twenty-one through twenty-six where I was burnt so bad my skin was raw. I remember laying in the bed crying out to Jesus to take the pain away. I also remember getting up each morning of the radiation and putting on a Scripture scarf and going to the Cancer Center with a smile on my face. That is how I glorified Him through it. Was I in pain? Yes. Did I want to quit the treatments? Yes. Do I regret finishing the treatments? No, God told me He was with me and would be with me until the end. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for so many during the night. I pray they all got 'good rest' as You had me pray for. Lord, cleanse me this morning so You can fill me. May Your words, actions, and attitude show through me today. May You be greater than anything that comes my way. Father, I'm not sure what all You have in store for me today but I pray You will keep my ears and eyes open to what You desire of me. May I glorify You in a new, different way. Lord, once again I pray "on earth as it is in heaven." Thank You for being My Goal! Amen.  

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