Thursday, March 21, 2019

Deuteronomy 31:6b - "Love Came Down"

I woke up in the middle of the night to "Love Came Down" going through my mind. It immediately sent me to praying for believers who are going through tough days. They have the Hope of Christ within them and know no matter what happens nothing surprises God. They also know they have other believers praying for them through their tough days.

Mountains high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

Yes! When we live for Christ, we have the knowledge that we are His. Oh how I pray for more people to gain this knowledge. I also pray for more believers to go deeper in their faith and allow Him full control to work in and through them. That is the ultimate way to live. When one allows Him to have His way in their life, there is such a sweetness. There is peace in the midst of the storm that is unexplainable. There is hope when circumstances appear hopeless. There is so much encouragement and love from Him that at times you feel like you can't stand it. There are times when we do need to remind ourselves He loves us and will never leave us. Sometimes the enemy tries to work through our circumstances to pull us down. We cannot let him have any open door. Each morning before we begin our day we need to pray for God to cleanse us so He can fill us. As He does this, we our made new. It also gives us a new perspective for the day. It allows us to see things through His eyes. It also allows us to love with His love. Oh how grateful I am for this way of life. Paul reminded us in Hebrews 13 of God's words spoken in Deuteronomy 31. The only way to fully comprehend these words is to be living in His Spirit.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being who You are in my life! Thank You for Your cleansing and filling me so I can be who You desire me to be. Father, I praise Your Holy Name for Doc's blood work results! I praise You for the way You strengthen Him to eat as You have directed. Wow, God! To see such results in not only his A1C but also his other labs is nothing but a miracle! I also praise You for no surprises with my labs. Lord, these our mountain top experiences for us that we needed with so many valley experiences happening. But Father no matter whether we are on the mountain top or in the valley we know You are always with us and for that we are thankful. I pray this morning for people in the valley right now to feel Your peace through this knowledge. Meet their needs Father in a way they will know it is You. May they stand strong in their faith as they are in different valleys of life. May those who do not know You find You. May those who may have slipped away from You, return to You. Thank You Jesus for being My Forever! Amen.


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