Thursday, March 7, 2019

Psalm 98 - "Sing Unto The Lord"

As I read Psalm 98 this morning, I thought about how when one becomes a believer they have a 'new song' in their heart. The joy of a new believer seems to be brighter than of one who has been in relationship for awhile. That saddens my heart. It should be no matter how long one has known the Lord they would be joyful. Sometimes our circumstances take away or lessen our joy. The enemy loves to steal our joy. Nehemiah 8:10b tells us, "The joy of the Lord is our strength." This does not mean joy as in the fruit of the Spirit we can have but it means His joy. This can be hard to comprehend but the Lord has joy in our relationship with Him. The more we knock down the enemy and lean into Him, the more of His strength we will realize. It is not our strength but it is His strength we can receive. We can sing a 'new song' when we lean into His strength. We can see our circumstances through a different lens as we see with His perception. We will receive His joy not only when we receive Him into our heart but as we live a life of righteousness for Him. The more we let go of our ways and allow Him to live in and through us, the more joy we will have. Joy is not possible without Him. It is not possible to knock the enemy down without Him. It is only through His empowerment true joy is found. Full joy will only be found when we leave this earth and live for eternity with Him. That is my goal. I desire full joy. I desire to be ready for heaven at all time. Is that possible? Yes, if we walk in obedience to His will. Is it possible that I may fall at any time? Of course, I am a human but I don't have to stay there because the Lord is always ready to accept me back. There are too many people in this world who do not believe they can live a life of holiness because they see it as being perfect. Living a life of holiness is striving to be Christ-like every moment of the day. It is a life of doing as He directs. It is a life filled with His joy. It can only be accomplished after accepting Him into your heart and then surrendering everything to Him. Is it an easy life? I believe it is easier than not living in His will because everything I do and say comes from Him. I no longer have to worry about anything because I know He is in control. I do not have to worry about what I do or say because He speaks and does things through me. There is freedom found in living a life of holiness. I use to think it would be hard to live such a life until I realized it is not a life tied down to rules and regulations. It is a life living out His love.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the day You saved me! Thank You for the day You sanctified me! Thank You for the days You live in and through me! Thank You for cleansing me this morning so You can fill me! Father, go before me today and be my words, actions, and attitude. May Your joy fill me to overflowing so people see You instead of me. May Your love ooze out of me in a way people will know You are living in me. Lord, You know my concerns for this day and I pray You will go before me and either take them away or give me the strength to endure them. I pray for those who have had deaths in the last few days to have Your strength. I pray for those who are struggling with physical issues to lean into You. I pray for those who are dealing with relational issues to feel Your presence. Most of all I pray for those who have spiritual issues to find Your joy. Thank You Jesus for being My New Song! Amen.

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