Sunday, March 17, 2019

Ephesians 6:10-18 - "Battles"

As I prayed for pastors last night, the Lord focused my prayers for pastors who are allowing an open door into their life in the form of fear. He had me pray for them to realize if they turn their life completely over to Him, there is nothing to fear. There will still be situations that can cause fear but as we lean into Him for strength we do not have to fear. He had me pray for those who are nearing 'retirement age' yet have no financial means to retire. He had me pray for those with physical issues or spouses with physical issues to trust Him. There are some He had me pray for who have prodigal children. For those He had me pray they will turn their situation over to Him. We are not alone. God is with us to fight our "Battles" every moment of every day. The key is allowing Him to do so. The only way for this to occur is for each of us to start our days putting the full armor of God on. We must have the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, Gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit on at all time. We also must "pray in the Spirit" not only for ourselves but for others. This is the only way the enemy will not play havoc in our lives. He will still try to weasel his way in but when we are living in God's strength, there will be no open door for him. The Lord had me praying before I went to bed and again during the night for pastors to take on this 'armor' He has for us so we can stand firm against the enemy. He reminded me to pray for open eyes for pastors. The enemy works even through people in our churches. He also reminded me He will not always take the enemy out because we can learn from such antics. Our faith can draw deeper through trials the enemy throws before us. Such trials can also grow other people's faith. As long as He has us on this earth, we need to continue to grow in our faith, striving to be more Christ-like. Fear can make us second guess ourselves. It can make us do or say things not of Him. We must not allow that to happen. We must walk in His peace and His strength. Is it possible? Most definitely! But only when we walk in the Spirit.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for pastors last night. I love Saturday nights, even when they are short. Father, take away the doubts of fears pastors have as they begin their day. May more pastors walk in Your Spirit. May more have the desire in their heart to not allow fear to overtake them but instead be fearful of You. That gives the word fear a different meaning than what the world has. But Father that is what You have called us to be, different. Lord, cleanse me today so You can fill me. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a way You will be proud. Father, You shared with me to pray for pastors who are feeling so worn they are losing sight of You. May they experience an abundance of Your strength today. Be with my pastor as he is struggling with physical issues. May You be greater than them. Thank You Jesus for being My Armor! Amen.

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