Monday, March 11, 2019

James 4:14 - "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow"

As I was singing for the offertory yesterday, I thought about the words to the song. We never know what tomorrow will bring but I have learned I don't have to worry about the 'what ifs' of life. It was a great reminder from God since today is Doc's colonoscopy. I could be a nervous wreck worrying about 'what if' they find something. But I have peace in knowing that even if they do it is no surprise to God. He already knows the outcome of not only the test but also of what will happen from the test. Woo hoo, God! I remember when we received my MS diagnosis almost twenty-five years ago we were relieved to finally know what was going on. The first diagnosis was a stroke. Almost four months later it was finally diagnosed as MS. We were happy to know what it was so we would know how I needed to fight it. I also remember when I received the breast cancer diagnosis when the doctor called to apologize for telling me she didn't see any cancer at the time of surgery. It was a shock to me but it wasn't a shock to God. He already knew. That is why He provided a phone call from my friend Joy as soon as I received it. He knew she was a 'safe place' with not telling anyone until Doc and I had a chance to talk and tell our family. He knew what I needed before I ever knew. He does that for everyone who will allow Him into their lives. Some people will question why we pray if He already knows the outcome. We pray to change us. We pray to encourage others. We pray because that is the example we are given throughout Scripture. We pray because God gives us prayers to lift up. This picture was taken two months from the day we moved into our new home in South Carolina. What a ride it was that year. We prayed at New Year's for God to direct us to wherever He desired us to be. Later that month He spoke to me and told me we would be in South Carolina before the next Christmas. During our vacation in February we visited Beaufort because it was close to where we were in Hilton Head. The Lord gave us a heart for the area even though there was no opening at the time. March brought an opening followed by a calling by the church board in April and buying our home in May. June brought us to this new area where we were miles away from friends and family. July was when my first District Licensed was approved by the North Central Ohio District. August/September were months with a female surgery followed by October/November with our first hurricane when Matthew came through along with two breast cancer surgeries and the start of radiation treatments. December was my first Christmas away from family. Needless to say, 2016 was a year of a lot of 'tomorrows' that I would have rather not experienced. BUT I did experience them and my faith came out deeper and my strength stronger in the Lord. I know I do not have to worry about tomorrows. He has given me peace with whatever tomorrow brings. These are things that happened in my personal life in 2016. There is a whole lot more if I went into our ministry life. But no matter what aspect of life, God is with me and already knows what I need. He knows when I need encouraged. That is why He has put our Tuesday night group in my life and other children on a regular basis. He knows when I need a hug and that is why He provides people to give them to me. He knows when I need to hear words of encouragement and He provides them through texts, calls, etc. He knows when I need to take a step back and reflect upon how He has brought me through many tomorrows and will continue to do so. That is why He reminded me yesterday with singing the song and this morning as I write. My time on this earth will not last forever, Praise God! But what I do with the time He gives me will determine if I live for eternity in peace or in agony. I am the only one who can make the choice of heaven or hell for my future.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder of not having to worry about today or tomorrow. Thank You for the way You provide just what I need, sometimes even before I realize I need it. Thank You for going before Doc today as You guide the doctor through this procedure. Thank You for all the people who encourage me throughout the days. Thank You for putting it upon Joy's heart to call me at the time I received the news of the breast cancer diagnosis. Father, may I not miss an opportunity to be You today. May I be Your hands and feet to all I meet. May I be an encouragement to many. Lord, the only way this can happen is for You to cleanse me so You can fill me. May it be so. Thank You Jesus for being My Today and My Tomorrow. Amen.

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