Thursday, March 28, 2019

Psalm 23 - "Oceans"

I prayed throughout the night for my sister and her husband's family. When his brother passed away early this week, it was not a surprise due to health issues but still such a loss. Yesterday we received word that the brother's wife passed too. Once again, not a big surprise due to health issues but what a blow to this family. Their adult children have been taking care of them for quite a while. They would work their full-time jobs and then go care for them. I cannot begin to imagine how they are feeling right now. It was hard enough to lose my Daddy but to think of losing both him and my Momma is beyond comprehension. I remember the comfort I received through Psalm 23 when my Daddy died. It is rich in times of the death of a loved one to know God is our Shepherd (vs 1). Verse one continues to show us how He will provide for us exactly what we need. He is with us to guide us through tough days. We do not have to run anywhere but into His arms. He gives us peace in the midst of the storms of life (vs 2). In verse three we are reminded He will lead us in an earthly life that will take us to heaven as we live with Him. God will comfort us as we allow Him (vs 4). He is waiting on those who will accept Him into their heart and live for Him (vs 5-6). I am so thankful for these words of comfort. They gave me strength at the time of my Daddy's death. I know he is in a better place but oh how I miss him. On the tough days of wishing there were one more phone call where I heard, "Sheila Babe, how are you doing?" I receive comfort in Psalm 23. When I feel like I cannot continue any longer, I hear my Daddy's words "Now Sheila Babe you can stay in bed for awhile but you can't stay there or the MS will win. You are not a quitter" when I feel like I can't continue. But more importantly I hear my Heavenly Daddy's words, "Daughter, you can do this in My strength. Be still and allow Me to work in and through you." Oh how my heart breaks for this family who have lost both their mother and father. I pray they have God's peace in their heart; His strength in their spirit; and His hope in their soul.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another night of opportunity to pray! Thank You for laying this family on my heart. Lord, be with Junior and Linda as they are hurting yet are ministering to their loved ones. Thank You for Dan driving them down. Lord, strengthen them as they go through these tough days. Lord, I also pray for us over these next few days. Lord, cleanse our spirits so You can fill us with more of You. As we are filled, peace will come in abundance over the circumstances we are facing. Give us safety as we travel many miles but most of all I pray You will empower us to be focused on You so we do not miss any opportunity You put before us. Thank You for the time I had with Tina and the girls yesterday. You are so good at providing me with exactly what I need, especially when I have time with someone from Ohio. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength! Amen.

1 comment:

Aritha said...

Amen with you, Sheila. It is so true: His strength in our spirit; and His hope in our soul.