Thursday, February 28, 2019

Acts 1:8 - "Changed" by Jordan Feliz

I woke up this morning to these words going through my mind...

I've been changed
I've been saved
Brand new day
I've been changed

The song begins with...

Let me tell you all my friends
About this joy I'm living in

Isn't that what all believers should be doing? Shouldn't we all 'tell' people about Christ. Weren't we all commissioned to do this? God empowers us to tell our story. We are the only one that can do so. It does not take being a preacher to testify. All it takes is being a believer with the boldness the Holy Spirit gives. Sometimes it takes leaving what we as humans call our 'comfort zone' but I learned a long time ago as I walk in obedience I no longer have 'comfort zones.' As I am willing to do whatever He calls me to do, I don't have 'comfort zones' to leave. I know His empowerment will enable me to do anything He calls me to do. Woo hoo! I no longer have to have a 'Plan A,' 'Plan B,' etc. His plan is the perfect plan. The other night when the bus was loaded with twelve children/teens and it would not start I did not panic. Instead I prayed and God gave me the solution. It was not Plan B. It was God's plan. He already knew the bus was not going to start. He wanted to see how we would react to the situation. He provided rides and everything was taken care of. If I would have panicked, got angry, etc., the end of the story would have been much different. Instead I walked in His peace and allowed Him to work in and through me. This life is so different than how I used to live. When disappointments come, I ask God to show me how to get through them without losing His peace. I do the same when tough days are a part of life. I pray people see how I live my life and desire the same. I need to get better though at testifying about how He has "Changed" my life not only through sanctification but first through salvation. We cannot expect for people to love Him if we don't share His love with them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace. Thank You for being my Plan A. Thank You for walking beside me through disappointments and trials of life. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Go before me today and speak through me. May Your words, actions, and attitude show through me. Father, today may more believers  become bolder in their witness. May more of us show Your love in a way that people will desire to be in relationship with You. May You be greater, Lord. May You be greater than the fear the enemy is trying to put on my friend and her family as she goes for a breast biopsy today. May You be greater than all of my friends dealing with 'C' with treatments and surgeries. May You be greater than the hurt many are feeling right now with the death of loved ones. May You be greater than the fighting married couples are going through right now. May You be greater than the addiction my friend's wife has. May You be greater than the unknown health issues a couple people I know are going through. Plain and simple, God. May You be greater. Thank You Jesus for being My Plan A. Amen.

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