Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Nehemiah 8:10b - "Holy Is The Lord"

"Holy is the Lord God Almighty...the earth is full of Your glory..." These words were running through my mind this morning. I pray for people to see His glory throughout this day. There is so much hurt and ugliness in this world. It is not from God. It is from sin. Oh how I pray for more people to walk away from sin and into the arms of Jesus. I pray for people to realize the ways of this world are not what they need to walk in. Instead we all need to walk in His glory. We need to see the beauty of His creation. We need to see Him in all situations. Yesterday in our 'activity time' we were talking about why God created some people different than others. Why would God allow someone to be born without legs was one of the questions the boys asked me. I shared that sometimes God allows situations to make us stronger. Of course being boys they thought I meant physically and that didn't make sense to them since we were talking about not having legs. I explained I was talking about spiritually. God sometimes allows things to happen to pull us deeper into our faith with Him. He wants us to trust Him more than we trust ourselves or others. I was thinking it probably wasn't making sense but then Mr. Eli said something that made me realize they truly are listening during our 'activity time.' He said, "Well I will just have to ask Jesus about that when I get to heaven." That statement took us into a discussion about the Trinity when one of them started asking about Jesus and God being different 'people.' It also took us into questions about when death will happen to us. I think I love 'activity time' just as much if not more than they do. Their little minds are soaking up Jesus in a way that makes my heart happy. In this song this morning it continues...

We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He

Yes! He is 'great' and 'awesome'! He puts times like yesterday into my life to encourage me to keep on keepin' on. Doc said in his sermon Sunday about how he felt like throwing in the towel but the Lord told him to use the towel to wipe the sweat off his brow and keep on. Sometimes we all get to the point where we want to throw in the towel with what we are doing. But then the Lord gives us encouragement to keep on doing what He has put before us. "the earth is full of his glory" are words I need reminded of from time to time. I need to remember to look around at the beauty of His creation and see how He is working. I love my little world where I see the beauty of flowers in full bloom in the middle of 'winter.' I love to be able to put my feet in the sand and listen to the waves year-round. I sure need some water therapy. It's been too many weeks of not going to the water. My soul needs the time of refreshing I receive there. I do believe God is calling me to take some time today to make that happen. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessing of this song this morning that reminds me to look for Your glory today. It also reminds me Your joy is my strength. Father, I pray You will cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray You will empower me today to walk in Your joy. Father, life can get so overwhelming with 'stuff' yet Your desire is for me to walk in Your fullness instead of allowing things to overwhelm me. May You be greater than the things that overwhelm me. May You be greater than the enemy that tries to trip me up. May You be greater in not only my life but in the lives of others. I continue to pray for the teen and their family who are going through tough days. May You be so very real to them. I also pray for those going through health issues, many going through treatments, and most of all many who are spiritually struggling. Be greater than what people are going through. May Your joy be seen as their strength. Thank You Jesus for being My Joy. Amen.

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