Sunday, February 10, 2019

John 1:1 - "Word of Life"

I prayed before I went to bed for pastors and then the Lord woke me up two hours early to pray again. He also gave me "Word of Life" when I woke. As I started singing the lyrics, I asked Him why is it that I always pray specifically for pastors who are going through tough times. He told me they are the ones who need the most encouragement. I thought about these lyrics...

Word of life
Speak to my weary heart
Strengthen my broken parts
Lead me to Your open arms
Word of truth
Illuminate all these lies
The enemy speaks inside
In freedom I will rise

Oh my, yes. There are so many pastors who are feeling weary. Some are even feeling broken and need a healing in their spirit. Some are going through things no one else can even begin to imagine. This morning I am praying for pastors with...

  • illness in their wife such as Scot and Steve
  • illness in their own body such as Terry and one struggling with cancer
  • children and/or grandchildren with illness such as Mike and Rodney
  • prodigals
  • transition in their ministry including retirement
  • struggles financially, personally and the church
  • church issues
  • time management to ensure their family is not forgotten
  • major change happening in their ministry such as Mike and Greg
He also had me pray for those on the road spreading the Gospel and their families who sacrifice so much with their loved one away so many weeks out of the year.
  • Dan Bohi, Craig Rench, Terry and Melissa Wright as they minister at the Summerville Church the next few days. He had me pray in agreement with Pastor Mike that their church be revived through these services. Jay and Judy as they minister in Florida this week.
  • Michael Adams
He brought into my prayers the people who support pastors. Some are in their churches, some are not. Some are believers, some are not. The thing He desires is for these people to see pastors living Christ-like lives. He desires everyone to live such lives but especially pastors. He had me pray for more prayers warriors to surface to stand in the gap for pastors and their families. May all pastors know He is more when we live in His Presence.

Spirit of God
Take me to a deeper place
Take me out of what is safe
I will not be afraid
Spirit of God
Fill me with joy again
Springing up from within
It cannot be contained

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the privilege to pray for pastors. May You continue to encourage them in their life. May You strengthen and heal areas of their lives that desperately need it. May Your will be for more pastors to strive to live Christ-like. Lord, that is the desire of my heart. I desire to live with You as my Focus. Will You please cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit? Will You continue to encourage me as I minister? Will You empower me to have Your love ooze out of me in a new, different way today? Lord, bless each pastor as they go into the pulpit today. Cover them with Your peace as they preach You boldly. Thank You Jesus for being My Word of Life. Amen.

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