Monday, February 25, 2019

II Corinthians 3:16-18 - "The Answer to the Question"

"From glory to glory..." Woo hoo! I love those words Doc shared yesterday from II Corinthians 3. I also love the way he described that we need to rest in knowing God will sanctify us. The Holy Spirit is the One to do the work as we believe. This is a product of our faith. Yesterday's sermon was so encouraging for all to strive to live a life of holiness. The points Doc gave were thought-provoking and encouraging. Jesus set the example of how to live and we all need to strive to follow that example. 

Jesus is the picture of holiness...He lived a life of total dependance on His Father...came to fulfill His Father's will...lived to please His Father and not man.

Jesus' values and priorities...His supreme motivation was to glorify His Father...He exalted eternal over temporal.

Jesus' relationship with other...He was merciful...always put others above Himself...had a servant's heart...was available even when people interrupted Him or at inconvenient times...was submissive to human authority...taught and practiced respect.

Jesus' words...He spoke only the words His Father told Him to speak...He didn't judge or have His own opinion.

Jesus' character...He continually praised His Father...was bold when confronting sin...He had ALL the fruit of the Spirit...He had authority and used it. 

The other day I was in a conversation about faith. There was discussion on what could be accomplished when one had faith. I made the statement that I believe I could raise someone from the dead if God directed me to do so. I meant it. I know I can do anything God desires me to do. He empowers me. Just as Jesus had authority, I do. I have no doubt in my mind that whatever He desires me to do I can do. I have been miraculously healed multiple times. I have the empowerment to pass that healing onto others. I believe the Holy Spirit can empower me to do whatever He wants accomplished. The only way for God's will to be accomplished through me is for my focus to stay on Him. I must live in His presence to not only hear His voice but to walk in obedience to it. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the words of encouragement from yesterday's sermon. Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that You bless me with every moment of every day. Thank You for cleansing me today so I can walk in obedience to You. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May You use me to bless others. I pray You will enable me to keep my focus on You. I pray for more of You and less of me. Father, I pray for the ones who heard the message Doc gave yesterday to be encouraged to live a life of holiness. Thank You Jesus for being My Example. Amen.

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