Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Psalm 39 - "Psalm 39"

I woke up with an urgency to read Psalm 39. This Psalm is one where David cries out for God's forgiveness and His wisdom. It shows how frail humans are and how much they need God. In The Message we are described as a "vapor" and in the New King James Version we are described as a "shadow" in verse six. Matthew Henry states, "Therefore let us pray that God would enlighten our minds by his Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with his grace, that we may be ready for death every day and hour." I pray for more people to gain this wisdom so they will be ready for His return. I was in a discussion yesterday with some classmates about a weekly assignment we have. It is entitled "Weekly Planner" and is basically a schedule showing when we will accomplish all we are to. I feel like this assignment has opened my eyes up to having 'down time' every day. This is something I struggle with. Even when I am resting physically, I not always am resting mentally. When I lay down to rest or nap, I usually have something going on before that can happen. 'Just one more post for more phone more...' A few years ago God challenged me that I was allowing my lists to get in the way of Him. I was making sure everything on my list was done instead of being willing to listen to the Holy Spirit direct my path. When I realized just how much truth this was I quit using daily lists. I received such a freedom when I did. I realized I can accomplish everything NEEDED in a day without a list. I prayed God would remind me if I started to forget something. I still use a list if we are having a special event happening but I no longer feel the need for daily life. This assignment with the Weekly Planner has opened my eyes that I need to remember God does not expect me to do everything. He just expects my best in what He calls me to do. One problem I have with this thinking is with school. My 'best' is an 'A' in every class. Is that what God is calling me to? I believe it is in my present circumstances but it is not always that way. If I need to back off of doing another post to take a nap so I can continue the path He is leading me in that day, so be it. If that means dropping to a 'B,' I need to realize that is His will. If I need to make a visit to someone who needs a little bit of Jesus in their day, I need to realize that is what I need to do. School cannot nor should it be in front of what God has planned for my day. If I allow anything to take my focus off of God, I am sinning. Last night when I asked the children what their thoughts were on 'love' I loved the response of one of the little girls. "Keeping our focus on God." She continued talking about how if we want God to know we love Him then we need to be focused on Him. Wow! Out of the mouths of babes! This came from a eight year old who has no church background and has been attending our Tuesday night group for maybe two or three months. Wow, God! These children are being little sponges as they soak in what we are teaching them. What a blessing! Sometimes Tuesday nights are tough physically but then God reminds me I am walking in His will through the blessings like last night. Matthew Henry writes:

The believer expects weariness and ill treatment on his way to heaven; but he shall not stay here long : walking with God by faith, he goes forward on his journey, not diverted from his course, nor cast down by the difficulties he meets. How blessed it is to sit loose from things here below, that while going home to our Father's house, we may use the world as not abusing it! May we always look for that city, whose Builder and Maker is God.

No matter what happens on this earth, I have His strength. 
No matter where He leads me, I will go even when it may not make sense to me. 
No matter what, I will keep my focus on Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for loving me so greatly. Thank You for the blessings from last night with the children. Thank You for all the ways You lead me. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be in every word and action that comes from me. May You be in my attitude. May You be greater than any aspect of my humanness. Father, You know what is ahead in this day and I pray You will guide me to be a shining light for You. Thank You Jesus for being My Builder and Maker! Amen.

1 comment:

shayndel said...

Beautiful Psalm and reflections, I love hearing about the little girl of 8 and her precious reply about Love and focusing on God. Blessings!