Thursday, March 22, 2018

Isaiah 58:6-8 - "Press On"

Thursdays have a different meaning to different people. Some look at Thursday as having only one more day before the weekend. Little Eli dreads Thursday because of having 'b-o-r-i-n-g music class'! In our church it is a day of corporate prayer and fasting. I'm not sure how many participate but it is suggested as a means to draw closer to God as we pray for His will in our church. Some can't fast food so they fast internet, social media, TV, etc. Or they will fast one meal. No matter what they do, both them and God are blessed in their efforts. My eyes were opened Sunday when Doc preached on Isaiah 58:6-8. I have heard of the Daniel fast and have participated in an Esther fast. I just did not realize there are so many other types of fasts and all nine are found in these two verses of Isaiah. Matthew 6:16-18 tells us when we fast we shouldn't boast about it but allow only God to know what you are doing. "...and your Father; who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Woo hoo! He loves to draw closer to us and fasting is a tool to accomplish such closeness.

  • Disciple's Fast - designed for people who desire to be loosed from the chains of injustice (vs 6)
  • Ezra Fast - when one humbles themselves before God and heavy burdens are released (vs 6)
  • Samuel Fast - brings liberty to the oppressed (vs 6)
  • Elijah Fast - breaks every yoke in your life; Elijah was strengthened to be able to hear God's voice in I Kings 19:8 (vs 6)
  • The Widow's Fast - designed as a means of meeting the humanitarian needs of others (vs 7)
  • Saint Paul's Fast - designed to gain insight in the process of making important decisions (vs 8)
  • Daniel Fast - improves health and/or gains healing (vs 8)
  • John the Baptist Fast - designed to enhance your testimony and influence for Jesus (vs 8)
  • Esther Fast - designed to protect us from the evil one; always three days (vs 8)
When we take our focus off of 'things' or food, we can focus better on God. There are many things in this world to distract us. We have to be aware at all times of them so they do not pull us away from what God desires. He gives us free choice and we must exercise it in the right manner to stay close in relationship with Him. I remember the days prior to coming to South Carolina with Saint Paul's Fast being involved. We did not want to do anything out of God's will and the best way of knowing His will is through prayer and fasting.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Thursdays. Thank You for the way You blessed our times of prayer and fasting. Thank You for the way You were so real to me yesterday. Thank You for always being here for me. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit today so I can have Your words, actions and attitude in my spirit. May You show through me in a different, new way. I praise Your Holy Name for who You are in my life. Bless my efforts today to be more like You. Thank You Jesus for being My Focus. Amen.

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