Thursday, April 27, 2017

Nehemiah 1:11b ; Matthew 29:19-20 - "Rise"

This morning I was reminded Nehemiah means "Yahweh has comforted" or "Yahweh comforts." As I read the first chapter of Nehemiah I was in awe of how the Lord used him to do great work. He was not a priest of his day but simply an ordinary man who was called to do extraordinary things. His faith was what enabled him to do the task given to him. He lived in a day where people were not keen on living for God. There was disloyalty to Him by many. The times of Nehemiah sound a lot like today. Not only are there many people who refuse to believe in God but there are many believers who refuse to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 29:19-20. Nehemiah had a heart for people. He desired to see people accept God and live for Him. Verse four of the first chapter of Nehemiah tells us how he prayed and fasted for a change in people. Believers need to follow his example. We need to be praying for the lost. We need to be fasting as we seek direction on what we can do to make a difference in people's spiritual lives. God wants to use us to bring lightness into darkness. Once again this morning He woke me with the song "Rise" and I realized He is telling me to "Rise" above the past and look to the future. The past is just that. Today is a new day. There are people in my little world who need to hear the Gospel. Some may need to hear it in a different way in order to understand. Perhaps they need to 'hear' it through being loved on. Or maybe they need to 'hear' it by seeing it through my actions. Oh how I pray the Lord will reveal to me the exact way to share it. I pray He will enable me to...

So rise
Breaking the dark, piercing the night
You're made to shine
An army of hope
Bringing the world
A radiant light
A radiant light
You were made to rise, rise

Yes! The desire of my heart is to be as Nehemiah in caring about people and most of all having the Lord use me however He desires to make a difference in people's lives. I want the Lord to know I am His cupbearer. I am a willing servant. I will pray without ceasing for people's souls. I know He cares about me and will honor my prayers. I also know things that seem impossible will be possible through prayer and fasting. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the encouragement of Nehemiah today. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You trust me with the things You do. Thank You for blessing my efforts. Father, there are some who continue to refuse You even though I have tried to share You with them. I pray for their souls. I also pray for the souls of some who are pretending to be in relationship with You. Father, use me in whatever manner You desire to make a difference in people's lives. Be my words, actions, thoughts, focus and attitude as I love on people with Your love. Thank You for the opportunities You will give me throughout this day. Thank You for being comfort when I am rejected. Thank You for being my strength to do Your will. Thank You for being My Comforter! Amen.

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