Thursday, April 13, 2017

I John 5:4-5 - "The Lion and The Lamb"

I woke up once again this morning to "The Lion and The Lamb" lyrics going through my mind...

Oh who can stop the Lord Almighty?
Who can stop the Lord?

Nothing can 
Nothing can stop 
Nothing can stop the Lord!

Woo Hoo! Nothing can stop what the Lord desires. The enemy tries so hard to stop us but he cannot when we are persistent and intentional on getting the Lord's work done. I John 5:4-5 tells us we have to have great faith to win "out over the world's ways" which is sometimes too much. Many times the enemy wins because people give up. They think they can't succeed in the fight because of the lies he tells them. They get tired and discouraged and surrender to the enemy instead of standing strong in the Lord. It takes great faith to have victory over the enemy. It also takes great belief that the Lord is your strength to win the battles the enemy puts before us. Sometimes the battles we go through are not from the enemy but from the Lord. He puts things in front of us to strengthen our spiritual bodies. The desire of His heart is for all to live a life sold-out to Him. He loves when we stand up against the enemy but He really loves when we are victorious in doing His will.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for this song. It has been heavy on my heart over the last week or so. I praise You for victories in my life. I praise You for Doc's blood sugar being lower today. I praise You for his job. I praise You for putting us here in this place that needs the message of holiness so badly. I praise You for the way You are going to be my words and actions today. I praise You for the opportunities You will put before me in the day ahead. Lord, be with those who are struggling in battles. I pray they will realize You are the One to win the battles for them. They are not alone nor do they need to fight the enemy on their own strength. Thank You Jesus for being My Stopper! Amen.


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