Friday, April 14, 2017

III John 4 - "I Have This Hope"

I woke up this morning to a song Tenth Avenue North sings called "I Have This Hope"....

I have this hope
In the depth of my soul
In the flood or the fire
You're with me and You won't let go

I immediately thought of a friend who was diagnosed with lung cancer. Her family has had so much to deal with over the last few years. She was praying the biopsy would be clear so they wouldn't have to go through more. She is a strong believer and has the hope of Christ but she also has loved ones who are not believers and that grieves her. I pray she will be strong in her faith throughout whatever the days ahead hold. The song continues...

So, whatever happens I will not be afraid
Cause You are closer than this breath that I take
You calm the storm when I hear You call my name
I still believe that one day I'll see Your face

He is with us no matter what life throws at us. Sometimes He allows pain in order to draw us closer in relationship with Him. Sometimes He allows heartache in our lives so others will come into relationship with Him. Either way we have hope when we believe in Him. That hope is magnified as we live a life of holiness. When His desires go above our human desires, He is pleased. Some people do not understand that. They think it means You choose His way instead of the way you want to go. That is true but what holiness really means is that the desire of His heart will be the desire of your heart. You no longer will desire to sin but instead will desire to be righteous. It is not an arrogant righteousness but instead is a beautiful one. John wrote words in his third letter that I pray the Lord can say of me...

As I think about today being Good Friday I am in awe as I think of the pain He went through so all can have hope in eternal life. If it weren't for today, we would not celebrate on Sunday. His death showed our Father's love for us in a great way. I pray for more people to find that hope. I pray for those who have found it to go deeper in their walk with Him. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song that reminds me of the hope I have in You. Thank You for the way You use me to share that hope. Father, I pray for my dear friend with this new diagnosis to not only rely on Your strength but also for You to be glorified in her situation. Comfort her as she goes through these tough days. I pray for more of You so Your hope shines through me. I pray for a reliance upon the Holy Spirit today for Doc as he is on overload in not only his physical body but also his mental being. As I prayed with him this morning, 'go before him'! Thank You for the opportunities you are giving him in this new mission field. Lord, direct my words and actions today in the manner You so desire. Fill me to overflowing. Thank You Jesus for being My Hope! Amen.

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