Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jude 24-25; I Peter 1:8-9 - "Joy"

The last few verses of Jude inspire me to keep on keepin' on for the Lord. He is able and willing to keep us from falling so we will see Him in Glory. No one knows when He will return and we must stay in relationship with Him at all times. I think of Revelation 1:7 that tells us "Every eye shall see him..." Yes! That is my goal in life. Last night when I asked the kids what our goal in life is and they responded 'heaven!' I was blessed. I Peter 1:8-9 reads, "You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don’t see him, yet you trust him—with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re looking forward to: total salvation (MSG). Amen! Total salvation is what we will receive in heaven. What joy! I love how Matthew Henry says it, "...where there is the perfection of holiness, there will the perfection of joy." Woo hoo! I had a conversation yesterday about the idea of whether God wants us 'happy' or 'holy' and came to the conclusion He desires us to be 'happy-holy'! When one lives a life of holiness, they are joyful. There is peace in the midst of storms. His love flows through them even to people who are 'hard' to love. Even in the darkest times He is there for them. Praise His Holy Name! Oh how I wish more people would experience this type of life. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday...Doc's safe travel, a good appointment with the neurologist, a great time with the kids last night...the day was full of blessings! Thank You for the blessings ahead in this day. I praise You for every opportunity You will put before me to be You to others. I praise You for the way You will ooze out of me in a mighty way. Woo hoo! I am so excited for whatever You give me today. I continue to pray for loved ones who need to feel Your touch today not only in their physical body but Lord some in their spiritual body. I pray You will put someone before them that will make a difference in their life. Thank You Jesus for being My Joymaker! Amen.

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