Sunday, April 2, 2017

I John 2:24-25 - "It's Not Over Yet"

The Lord woke me during the night to pray for a family who had a loss of a loved one this past year. With the way He had me praying I had to stop and think whether there had been another loss I had forgotten or maybe did not know about. The more I prayed I realized the second family member was not a physical death but a spiritual death.  My prayers became more urgent as I prayed for this one's soul. As I prayed He brought "It's Not Over Yet" by For King & Country to my mind...

Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit
It's not over yet
It's not over ye-et
And even when you think you're finished
It's not over yet
It's not over ye-et
Keep on fighting
Out of the dark
Into the light
It's not over
Hope is rising
Never give in
Never give up
It's not over

Those who have the Lord, have hope. Even in the darkest of times He is there to encourage us and to give us hope of seeing loved ones who have left this earth and living with Him. I prayed for this one to take the knowledge they have of the Bible and to apply it to their life. The only way they will see their loved one again is to go back into a true relationship with their Heavenly Father. The key to a relationship with Him is that it has to be true. Such relationship cannot be just when one feels like it but it has to be a genuine every day way of life. In order to hear His voice, one must be able to listen. Listening takes intentional relationship.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday and all of the ways You blessed our church through our outreach. Thank You for the contacts made. I pray there were seeds planted that will nurture into becoming rooted in our church. Thank You for the day that is ahead. I pray people will come expecting to see You in the service. I also pray You will be with those who are thinking of going to church today but have not made the decision. Encourage them Father to be in church. Jesus, I also pray for this one I prayed for during the night. I pray they will get back into relationship with You and their family to get back into a Christian fellowship. Lord, open doors that need opened with them. Put people before them that will say or do something to draw them back to You. Lord, I pray for a clear direction as there are so many things to do. I pray You will direct me on what You desire so I don't try to do everything. As my physical body is tired today I pray You will give my mental and emotion body extra strength. Be my words, actions, attitude, vision and most of all mouthpiece so I do not say or do anything not of You. Thank You Jesus for being My Director. Amen.

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