Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Jude 14-16 - "Remember"

Down in the valley, when waters rise
I'm still believing, hope is alive
All through the struggle and darkest day
I'll remember the empty grave

Yes! When life gets tough, we must remember not only did Jesus die for us but He rose again for us! Woo hoo! There are days when we struggle. It is most important on those days to choose life and not death. By that I mean we must choose God and not choose the enemy. We must not allow the enemy any open door into having a foothold in our lives. It is not always easy to do but it definitely is worth the work involved. In Jude he writes about the prophesy of Enoch. It reads in verse fourteen and fifteen.....

14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
After these verses Jude describes ungodly people as being "grumblers and faultfinders." They blame others for what they are going through. Jude continues to describe them as people who do as they want, are boastful and are not the nicest people to be around. I do not ever want to fall into any of these categories. As a human, it is easy to grumble or to blame someone when going through a tough time. But the old saying of 'that will get you nowhere' comes into play. I don't want to lose eternity with the Lord over a few days of grumbling!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders from this song and this Scripture this morning! Lord, I pray for strength in my physical and emotional body but most of all I pray for strength in my spiritual body. You are My Hope in knowing when there are tough days on this earth, there are better days ahead with You in eternity. Lord, fill me to overflowing with more of You so no one sees or hears me but rather sees/hears You through me. I am singing these words this morning...
Hallelujah, death is done
All of hell is overcome
Jesus, You are alive
Thank you Jesus for being My Hope! Amen.

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