Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ephesians 3:20-21 - "Even So"

So we wait
We wait for You
God, we wait
You're coming soon

These words were in my heart throughout the night every time I woke up. They are words of hope...words of love...words of anticipation.  Waiting is something many people struggle with doing because waiting can seem to take forever before an answer is received or a situation changes. But waiting is the best place to be. It is in the waiting time that we can draw closer to the Lord. We can go deeper in our faith so we can hear His voice clearer. We also can bring others into a relationship through our waiting. It is so important to not rush our time when we are waiting on an answer. We dare not manipulate any aspect of life during a waiting time. If we do, the Lord will not be glorified through it. We must wait for Him as we pray for direction. It is imperative to wait for Him if we truly want to do His will. If one cannot hear His voice, they cannot give up. Instead they must seek why they are not hearing from Him. Or perhaps He is speaking but they are refusing to listen. We must be willing to say...

Even so come
Lord Jesus, come 

Then we must be willing to follow His lead. We cannot be the one in charge of our life if we want Him to be glorified through us. We cannot be the one to make decisions but instead must look to Him for everything we do. Many people think this is a crazy life to lead but I personally believe it is the only way to live. A life surrendered to Him is a blessed life. Sometimes there are waiting times where I wonder if He ever is going to answer me. A few years ago I was blessed in no longer wondering if it were Him speaking or not. He makes things very clear to me and for that I am grateful!

I told my sister the other night I can hardly wait for a new body when the Lord returns. I know I have to wait but more importantly I know He has put me in this place at this particular time for a purpose. As I wait on His plan to be revealed to me, I am seeking more of Him. I know I need to be ready to do whatever He puts before me if I expect to be with Him for eternity. I am anticipating His return but until it happens I must be doing His will. I may not know all the particulars of what He wants of me but I do know He wants me to love on people with His love so they come into relationship with Him. I also know He desires for believers to see me sold-out to Him and desire the same for themselves.

Like a bride waiting for her groom
We'll be a Church ready for You
Every heart longing for our King
We sing
Even so come
Lord Jesus, come

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this waiting time! Thank You for the way You are drawing me deeper into relationship with You! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for being so direct with me and for giving me ears to hear You! Lord, today is a new day. I don't know who You will put into my path but would You please ooze out of me so they see/hear You through me? Would You please put boldness in my speech? Would You please give me the direction of what You desire of me to accept every opportunity that You put before me? Thank You Jesus for being My King. Amen.

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