Saturday, July 16, 2016

Ephesians 4:30 - "Ever Be"

Last night was one of those nights where I kept waking up over and over. I did a lot of praying for different people and for our "Back-to-School" event today. I love how the Lord had these lyrics to "Ever Be" in my mind every time I woke up...

Your praise will ever be on my lips,
ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips,
ever be on my lips (2X)

Yes! I have so much to praise the Lord for! This week has been one of great blessings! I am praising Him for...
  • Unlimited free long distance so I can talk to family and friends anytime. This is such a blessing in being able to talk to my Momma everyday. 
  • My boys, their ladies and my grand babies...the way the Lord is helping me to adjust to being so many miles away from them.
  • Having Doc's cousin Terri with us overnight...the fun time last night seeing the fireworks over the water with the Marine Band playing in the background.
  • The realization last night that if this were last year Doc would have been pushing me in a wheelchair to go to the waterfront event.
  • The sale of the refrigerator.
  • Finding a new dentist that was able to get Doc in quickly.
  • Protection on the road when a driver went crazy.
  • Doc's five year old laptop being fixed for free.
  • Answer to prayers for a successful surgery for a young Momma and a dear elderly gentleman this week.
  • The opportunities given to me to pray for some difficult situations some are going through. A family in crisis...a former missionary facing difficult surgery this next week...some men who have been on Sabbatical and going back to the work God has put before them...a newborn who was dealing with jaundice but is now doing better...a lady going through a hurtful time from a broken relationship...a friend recuperating well from having a kidney removed due to a tumor...a grandma and a young lady who had surgery and are waiting on test results to see if it was cancer...a pastor who has left his church after a hurtful series of events...our Willard church family who are seeking a new pastor...a woman going through multiple surgeries and waiting on a decision for disability...a woman waiting to have shoulder surgery...a young woman who is having a hysterectomy Monday.
  • My first District Pastor's License being granted.
  • Improvement in a physical situation I am going through.
  • Time with children at the Wesleyan Church this week.
  • The school supplies that will be donated today for our "Back-To-School" event.
As I was reading Ephesians 4 this morning verse thirty spoke greatly to me. I do not ever want to have the Lord disappointed in me. I know as a human being there will be times I miss opportunities He puts before me and that will disappoint Him but I sure do not want to blatantly disappoint Him. I love the intimacy in verse thirty. "His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself." Woo hoo! Yes, that is a gift from Him! I love being in such a relationship with Him! I love hearing His voice and feeling His love! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song this morning to remind me of all of the things I have to praise You for in my life. Thank You for this place You have brought us to be You to a new group of people. Thank You for the way You are helping me during this time of adjustment being away from my family, a new climate, a new church family, a new financial many adjustments yet You brought us here and are faithful in being with us. Thank You for loving us so greatly that You trust us with the task before us. I also want to thank You for the opportunities given to me from friends in Ohio to pray for them and their situations. Thank You for the encouragement that gives me. Father, I praise Your Holy Name for all the ways You love on me! I praise Your Holy Name for the way You will provide strength today in this body that is so tired. I praise Your Holy Name for the way You are going to ooze out of me as I love on people. Woo hoo! Thank You for the anticipation for the day ahead! Thank You for being The One I Praise! Amen.

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