Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ephesians 4:2 - "Thy Will"

I always love the night of ordination at District Assembly. It is a night of reflection back on the night Dr. Diehl ordained Doc. He was one to give a word to the spouses too. The charge is placed upon me was "...to have a gentle and quiet spirit..." I was teased afterward about that because I tended to be more bold than gentle or quiet. The Lord has worked so greatly in me over these last sixteen years. As I reflect over the ways He has used me I am amazed. The way He has grown my faith is another thing I am amazed over. The move to South Carolina is another thing that amazes me. He is so awesome! In Ephesians 4:2 Paul gives direction on how we, as believers, are to live. Sometimes we must be 'gentle' by taking a step back from a person and allowing them to have a chance to listen for the Lord to direct them. At times, being 'gentle' means keeping our opinions to ourselves. There are also times that being 'gentle' means not allowing people to offend us because when we become offended the enemy has an open door into our life. The last part of this verse is one that I try to exercise daily..."bearing with one another in love." The love of Christ is a must if we, as believers, want to be Christ-like. That means we must accept negative words and attitudes, even from those we love, the way the Lord would accept them. It means supporting people through tough times with His love. This verse means being Christ-like.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the example You give us on how to live a life of holiness. Thank You for the way you answer prayers. Thank You for the news of the successful surgery for the young lady yesterday. Thank You for the new friends made yesterday. Thank You for the way You give me a "gentle and quiet spirit." Lord, I pray for the closing of Assembly to be blessed mightily. I pray for people to take the vision that has been given back to their church and for great things to happen. I pray for the pastors who are discouraged to be encouraged. I pray for the lay people who have been been challenged to take the challenge set before them. I pray for the seeds that have been planted to come to life. Lord, I pray for the things You have put on my heart. I pray You will give me direction to fulfill Your will. Fill me to overflowing with more of You as I go throughout this day. Love me so I may love others. Thank You for being My Director. Amen.

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