Thursday, March 10, 2016

James 1:2-4 - "Streets of Gold"/"Oceans (Where Feet May Fall)"

Yesterday was a day full of ministry with so many emotions. I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride with my emotions. I don't like to ride real roller coasters and emotional roller coasters sure aren't my favorite either. By the time we got home from church last night we both were both wiped out. This morning when I woke the Lord had Need To Breath's song "Street Of Gold" going through my mind. I wanted to cry as I thought of all the ones who are going through some tough days with loved ones. I thought of James 1:2-4 again and asked the Lord how one is suppose to be joyful when they are...
  • watching their spouse, mother or child suffering with cancer?
  • dealing with their spouse leaving them and their children?
  • trying to grasp that their pastor not only left the ministry but also his wife?
  • fighting for their marriage and are on their knees begging the Lord to bring their husband back into relationship with Him?
As I prayed, the words to this song hit be in a big way....

I want you to know 
I'm leaving to let you go 
And someday we'll walk upon 
The streets of gold 

The words to this song are meaningful for believers but in many of these relationships the Lord has me praying for there are ones who have walked away from the Lord. How can one be joyful when their loved one is not with the Lord? Yes, we have hope they will come into relationship but how do you deal with the time until that happens? How do you continue to persevere for truth when the enemy is attacking so violently to destroy Your relationship? The Lord brought to my mind the song "Oceans (Where Feet May Fall)" and I immediately began weeping. My heart is breaking for so many who are going through tough days. Oh how I pray they will be in the point where they can be in relationship with the Lord and be able to live out these words...

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for enabling me to bring these ones before You this morning. Father, as I sit and weep I think about how Your heart must be breaking over broken relationships. Lord, today I am praying for different ones who are going through tough days to find Your comfort. I pray for strength for them...physical, mental, emotional, financial but most of all spiritual. I pray they will find You as their Hope. Lord, come down upon them right now where they are and let them fill Your empowerment. Father, yesterday was a bit much emotionally. Today is a new day. You gave me Your strength yesterday and I pray it again for today. Although I must admit I really hope today is not as full of tough situations as yesterday. But if it is Lord then I pray You will keep the words of James 1:2-4 in the forefront of my mind. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength. Amen.

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