What a night...between issues with my four-legged buddy not being able to breathe for about an hour to issues in my physical body...there was not much sleep happening but there sure was a lot of praying going on! Sometimes I think the Lord allows suffering in our physical bodies to get us to focus better on Him. As I prayed over my little buddy last night my thoughts went to all of the people in my little world who have lost their four-legged companions recently so I prayed for them. As I was dealing with my issues I prayed for those who are dealing with pain in their physical bodies. When the wind woke me up, I prayed for those who are continuing to clean-up from storms in other areas of the world. After praying for physical storms the Lord directed my prayers to those who are going through other storms of life and I spent a long time praying for many...
- the young father having cancer surgery today
- the wife/mother who has had many weeks of illness in her home and is now dealing with her husband being injured
- the little girl who has gone through multiple illnesses over the last three weeks...her parents to have strength...her doctors to have wisdom
- the one getting a full body scan today to see if his cancer is back active
- the one getting a full body scan tomorrow to see where all the cancer is in his body
- the woman dealing with fatally high sugar
- the man who just received 'bad' test results
- the wife who is dealing with her husband having transgender issues
- many parents dealing with homosexual children
- the man looking relentlessly for a job to provide for his family
- the family burying their loved one today due to an overdose
- the family watching their daughter go through treatments and stem cell procedures as she fights cancer
- the couple with an upcoming adoption appointment
- the one dealing with addiction
Storms come and go but the Lord is forever with us through them. He is our strength. He is our empowerment to get through the storms. When we focus on Him instead of the storms, He will lead us through them in the best way possible. In order to focus on Him we first must do as II Chronicles 7:14 directs us. We must humble ourselves, pray, seek Him and turn from sin. It is then He will be able to clearly hear us.
When I woke up this morning singing these words, I was blessed in knowing the Lord was with me and will continue to be with me. He is my greatest Encourager and for that I am grateful. It does not matter if I am in a storm of life or on top of the mountain He is always with me.
How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to pray for so many throughout the night. Thank You for bringing different ones to my mind. Thank You for calming my little buddy's breathing down so he could rest. Thank You for reminding me of the need to focus on You. Lord, come down upon those who do not know You in such a way that they will find You. Father, fill me to overflowing with more of You so people will see and hear You today through me. Thank You for being My Encourager. Amen.