Sunday, July 27, 2014

Romans 12:2 - "My Heart Is Yours"

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."     Romans 12:2 ESV

My normal Sunday morning routine was changed up a bit today.  I usually wake up early to pray for our church family.  I pray for everyone by name that they will not only be in the service but they will be open to the Holy Spirit's leading.  As I started going through names, the Lord brought the song "My Heart Is Yours" to my heart.  He impressed upon me that there will be people in the service today who need to not only give their lives to the Lord but most importantly to surrender their whole being to Him.  In order to live in His Presence, you first must totally surrender to Him.  

When I was a little girl, my Daddy would take me to revivals.  It didn't matter what church they were in or even if they were in our town.  I remember many times of hearing the preacher say, "Now someone needs to settle their life with the Lord.  We aren't going to quit at this altar call until all hearts are clear."  The church I grew up in didn't have an altar so neither did they do altar calls.  I am so thankful for the altar in our church.  Many people have been able to get to the point of having a clear heart there.  

As I was praying, the Lord impressed upon me that we aren't using the altars enough.  People are given the easy way out in settling things with the Lord.  There is too much emphasis in churches today to be out at a certain time.  Therefore, the days of long altar calls are few and far between.  I appreciate when Doc follows the leading of the Holy Spirit at altar call time.  I know he has told me before the Holy Spirit prompted him to do the invitation time with people staying in their seat.  I would never want him to go against the Holy Spirit but I wonder what the purpose would be in not having people come forward.  

Is this a sign of the changing times?  Will there come a day where the altars aren't in our church?  I sure hope not.  To me the altar represents a place I can bring something to the Lord, pray about it and then leave it there.  Sure I can do that any place but when I do it at an altar it's easier to not keep carrying it around with me.  

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for these thoughts this morning to ponder.  Thank You for giving me insight on specific prayer requests.  This song goes….All to Jesus I surrender; All to You I freely give
I will ever love and trust You; In Your presence I will live.  YES!  That is how I live each and every day.  I'm so grateful for Your Presence in my life.  Thank You Jesus for being the One I Surrender To.  Amen.

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