Thursday, July 10, 2014

Psalm 46:10 - WAIT

As the Prayer Gathering began yesterday I had a billion things going through my mind.  It seemed like the more I tried to concentrate, the worse it became.  I knew the enemy was trying to distract me but I also knew my Lord is greater than the enemy.

The question was asked, "As a new creature in Christ, are you living different than before God came into your life?"  My answer was, "Yes!!!"  I continually become a new creature in Him as I seek more of Him and less of me.  It was in the first few moments that we had a time of silence and listened for the Lord to speak.  I didn't even get a chance to ask Him for a verse or direction.  He said, "Psalm 46:10."  

He says, "Be still and know that I am God;  will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Woo hoo!!!!  I love hearing His Voice.  Now I just needed to "Be still…"  As the gathering continued we went through the Ten Commandments and reflected on each one.  As I did, the Lord spoke to me in each area…

I.  Do I worship any other gods?  (Is there anything I am putting before God?)
"No--just continue to listen to My Voice."

II.  Do I bow to any idols?
"Don't allow the enemy any foothold by starting your day doing tasks instead of spending time with me first.  I will give you direction on what to do throughout your day."

III.  Do I call God's name in vain?  (Any of His names)
"No--you don't.  But you need to be careful when others do that you don't accept it.

IV.  Do I honor God by keeping the Sabbath Day holy?
"Sheila, you must give Me a Sabbath Day.  You know, you've learned what it means to take one day a week for your Sabbath.  I need you to put that into practice.  I need you to not go 24/7 'doing'.  Remember the verse I gave you a few minutes ago…Psalm 46:10.  Be still…"

V.  Do I honor my parents or blame my parents for my problems?
"Continue to love and support your dear Momma.  Sheila, you have to not allow things people say bring you into sin.  Love the unlovable."

VI.  Do I kill by hating?
"I am proud of you, Sheila, in the way you strive to live by James 1:2-3.  'Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.'  No matter what you love and not hate"

VII.  Do I commit adultery or entertain lustful thoughts?
"Your marriage covenant is strong.  Stay near me and it will stay pure."

VIII.  Am I stealing from you or anyone else?
"Continue to be generous in your finances, time and My love."

IX.  Am I lying?
"Sheila, at times you lie about how you feel.  People need to know how you feel so they can support you."

X.  Am I coveting?
"I am so proud in the way you stand with the Apostle Paul in saying, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."  (Philippians 4:11)

After we went through these commandments we asked the Lord to speak to us about anything that still needed revealed to us.
"Let me reiterate---cling to Psalm 46:10."

As the music continued, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to go to the altar.  There the Lord spoke to me and revealed that I am conforming to the ways of the world when I allow people to upset me with their meanness, hateful words, and bad attitudes toward me.  When I get upset over these things, I say things I shouldn't and have a bad attitude myself.  That gives the enemy a foothold.  I surrendered my attitude with a particular situation as I deal with an individual who tries to tear me down.  I left that attitude on the altar and walked back to my seat with a feeling of peace.  The Lord is empowering me to walk away from the negativeness.  Most importantly He is empowering me to love the unlovable!  Woo hoo!

It was interesting how one of the leaders talked about waiting "…for the gift my Father promised…" (Acts 1:4).  I thought to myself, "There's that word again.  WAIT."  I have a few different things I am waiting on in my little world.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt as I wait on the Lord and am still He will reveal things to me as I need to know them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for such a powerful time in Your Presence with my brothers and sisters.  Thank You for the direction You gave to the leaders to take us through this process.  Lord, I praise You for who You are.  I praise You for the love You have for me.  Thank You Jesus for victory at the altar.  Thank You for being My Victor!  Amen.

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