Monday, July 9, 2018

Psalm 65 - "The More I Seek You"

This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 65. As I was reading the Psalm in different translations I thought about the news we received yesterday about there being no brain tumors in a young mother we had been praying for. What was seen by the first doctors were no longer seen by the second doctors and tests. Wow, God! That is the power of prayer. Matthew Henry wrote of this Psalm, "He reveals himself upon a mercy-seat, ready to hear and answer the prayers of all who come unto him by faith in Jesus Christ." We, as a body of believers, took Tiffany before the Lord over the last few weeks, asking in faith, for her to be healed and He did just that. Praise His Holy Name! Yesterday we also took Paula before Him, asking in faith for her health to be restored. When we visited last night, there was a remarkable improvement in her. Even though she still has a long road ahead to be restored to good health she was better. The persistence of never giving up praying works. It isn't that God needs us to pray. It is that we need to pray. Prayer encourages us. It deepens our faith. It takes us to another level in our relationship. Matthew Henry continues...

Observe what it is to come into communion with God in order to blessedness. It is to converse with him as one we love and value; it is to apply ourselves closely to religion as to the business of our dwelling-place. Observe how we come into communion with God; only by God's free choice. There is abundance of goodness in God's house, and what is satisfying to the soul; there is enough for all, enough for each: it is always ready; and all without money and without price. By faith and prayer we may keep up communion with God, and bring in comfort from him, wherever we are. But it is only through that blessed One, who approaches the Father as our Advocate and Surety, that sinners may expect or can find this happiness.

The way to have communion with God is to be in relationship with Him. As we draw nearer to Him, our faith will grow. The more we seek Him, the more we will find Him. The more we pray, the closer we will feel Him and experience His blessings. As we were leaving last night I told Paula we would continue to pray for her. She smiled and said, "You are always praying." I was blessed as I thought about that statement. She is right. I stay in communion with God. Some people think prayer has to be said out loud. Sometimes they think you have to be in a church to pray. Neither of those are true. God is ready to listen to us 24/7. He is ready to encourage us by answering our prayers at any time. Sometimes His answers are not what we desire or not in our time but they are always perfect for us because He knows our past, present, and future. He already knows what we are praying about yet He still listens to us. He is a loving Father who desires us to be in right relationship with Him. His desire is for all to repent and ask Him into their heart. A relationship with Him does not stop at salvation but needs to continue on to dying to self and allowing Him to be Lord of Lords over our life. He desires for us to be set apart from the world so we no longer have to live in its ways. Such a life can only be accomplished through surrender. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. I desire to "sit at Your feet, drink from the cup of Your hand" today. I desire more of You and less of me. Lord, I praise Your Holy Name for the news about no tumors in Tiffany. I also praise You for improvement in Paula. I pray You will go before those today who will be a beacon of light for You. Make the path open to sharing Your love with others for all that proclaim You as their Lord of Lords. I pray for strength for Doc as he works. I pray You will be so very real to Him. I also continue to pray for open doors with all that is going on with our church. Give wisdom and direction. Lord, I pray for wisdom for what doors for my dear friend to walk through as she interviews for a new job tomorrow. I also pray for open doors for restoration in families who are in turmoil. Open doors for parents with prodigals to see the path You desire them to take and for a couple whose marriage is in crisis. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Seek. Amen.

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