Friday, July 20, 2018

Matthew 6:10 - "Jesus, I Believe"

I woke up this morning with words to "Jesus, I Believe" going through my mind. What a powerful song this is! In starts with:

I wanna walk with You Jesus
Feel Your presence and know You're near
I wanna see You Jesus
Move in power and cast out fear

This is exactly where I desire to live. In His Presence. It is then that I will be empowered by Him. As I live in His Presence, I will see "the impossible" become reality. I desire to have His words, actions, and attitude be mine throughout the day. I desire to speak life and not death.  I desire to not miss any opportunity He puts in my way. I desire to live in His will so His Kingdom will happen "Here on the earth just like it is in heaven." When I went through the nine months of not walking on my own, I prayed for healing over and over again. I do not know why it took nine months to happen but I do know I never gave up asking. I believed the Lord would heal me. I didn't know how it would happen but I knew it would happen. I didn't know when my walking would be restored but I kept the faith that it would. I prayed for it to be "on earth as it is in heaven." There is no MS in heaven. Therefore, I asked for it to not be in my body on this earth either. MRI's show the MS is still in my body but thank God the effects of no longer being able to walk on my own are gone. Sometimes He heals through doctors and medicine. Sometimes He heals through physical therapy. Sometimes He heals instantaneously. Or as in my instance with my walking it was nine months of knocking on His door and praying with persistence. When I walked into the church that night with the walker and danced out at the end of the service, it was only because of my persistence and Brother Dan's obedience to the Lord in coming to Willard. God could have healed me nine months prior but it wasn't in His timing. His time to heal was orchestrated for people to see what great faith looks like. 

This picture was taken on our vacation to Hilton Head after my walking was restored in February 2016. It was on that trip our hearts felt the tug to come to Beaufort. There were no open doors at that time but as we walked by the waterfront we felt the Lord's call. Within two months the doors opened and within four months we were walking through them. We continue to pray for His Kingdom to come here in Beaufort "as it is in heaven." We desire people to not only be saved but to embrace the message of holiness. Many doors have been shut over the last two-plus years but we refuse to stop pressing on as we know God has called us to this place. Some things that have happened don't make sense but they don't have to. All we have to do is have faith and continue to believe the Lord is in control. That is exactly what happened in 2015-2016 with the MS exasperation. It is what has happened since we moved to Beaufort with all that has happened in our lives. It is what will continue to happen in the days ahead. The desire of my heart is to fulfill the desire of His heart. I know this means life will be challenging but I also know He chose the right couple to accomplish this task.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that encourages me to keep on pressing on toward the goals You put before us. I refuse to give up. I refuse to allow the enemy any foothold in my life. I pray the same for Doc. I pray You will cleanse us so You can fill us both to overflowing with more of You. I pray for Your strength when the days get tough. Father, this morning as I was praying You brought the word 'embellish' into my prayers. You had me ask You to 'embellish' us. I was taken aback with this word. I know what it means but when I looked it up it said "to make beautiful with ornamentation." That doesn't make sense to me. Why would You put that word into my prayers? Normally this word is used in the physical sense but what does it mean in the spiritual sense? Does it mean I am to take on more of You? Does it mean I need to be more Christ-like? Father, whatever it means I pray You will accomplish it in me throughout this day. I pray people will see/hear You instead of me. May You be more of my words, actions, and attitude. May You be greater than me. May Your love show through in a powerful way. Father, I pray for Brother Dan and his team as they continue to be Your servants to bring people deeper into relationship with You. May You continue to shine through them in a mighty way to allow people to be not only be physically, emotionally, and mentally healed but most importantly to be spiritually healed. Thank You Jesus for being My Reality. Amen.

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