Saturday, July 28, 2018

Psalm 131 - "Different"

When I asked the Lord what He desired me to read and ponder upon this morning, His answer was Psalm 131. I went to it and read it in different translations to get what He desired of me to receive from it. There is so much meaning in this Psalm David wrote even though there are few words in it. It may be few in words yet the lesson of humility found in it is great. One commentary reads, "Comparing all the Psalms to gems, we should liken this to a pearl: how beautifully it will adorn the neck of patience." It takes time to understand living a life of holiness. It does not happen overnight but instead takes living a life for Christ and making mistakes. It takes time and experiences to live out a life sold out to Christ. We must wean ourselves from the things of the world not of Him as we engage in the process. The Israelites had to humble themselves when they returned from Babylon. We must humble ourselves before the Lord as we leave the ways of the world behind us and become His faithful servants. The process of being sanctified must be a part of our daily life. It takes asking for cleansing every day and allowing Him to work in and through us. It also takes having a willing heart and being humble before Him. I love the idea of being a pearl in this world. I desire to be different from others. I desire to show His value through the way I live. In the dictionary it reads of the pearl:

The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries. Because of this, pearl has become a metaphor for something rare, fine, admirable and valuable.

Yes! That is what I want to be known as...God's 'rare, fine, admirable and valuable' daughter. If I see myself as special in His eyes, I will have more worth. It does no one any good to put themselves down. When one talks down themselves, they are talking down God because He is our Creator. Instead we must know our worth in Him and live it.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder from Psalm 131 that I am of worth to You. Father, sometimes this world makes me feel worthless or inadequate. I am grateful for the way You empower me to be who You desire me to be. Cleanse me so You can use me today to be who You want me to be. Open my eyes and ears to what You desire of me throughout this day. May I not miss any opportunity to be You to others. Lord, bless our efforts today as we 'Cram-the-Van' with school supplies. I pray the weather cooperates but if it does not then I pray You will multiple what is gathered to fill the needs of what will be distributed next week. Thank You for being My Pearl Maker. Amen.

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