Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mark 5; Deuteronomy 6:5-9 - "Jesus, Lover of My Soul"

The Lord woke me early this morning to pray for children in poverty. He had me pray for them to not only have their physical needs met but most importantly to know He loves them. I was reminded of the story Dr. Graves told of the man who took a picture of a little dirty girl sitting outside of a bakery with her face against the window. After he returned to the states and was giving a presentation he was asked what he had done about it. His reply was that he had done nothing because he did not see her as his responsibility. He was crushed when he realized he had missed an opportunity from the Lord. I do not ever want to miss an opportunity from Him. I know the only way for that to happen is to stay living in His presence. He must be my focus. His love must flow freeing from me in order to have His eyes and ears. He must have free reign over my life in order to be in a position where His will is my desire. I do not know of people going hungry in a physical sense in my little world but I do know of plenty who need filled up in the spiritual sense. What can I do about it? How can I be what Jesus needs me to be? In what ways can I fill people's spiritual tanks? I do not know all the answers to these questions but I do know I am ready to be used in whatever manner He so desires. This morning I asked Him to direct me to what He wanted me to read in Scripture. He sent me to Mark 5. I read it in different translations and prayed for Him to reveal what He desired for me to grasp. I prayed for Him to open my mind up to the lesson I was to learned from His words. This chapter has three instances of healing. One was a man who was possessed by demons; another was a woman who was healed by her faith from a long-time illness; and another was a young girl raised from the dead. I have experienced healing in my physical body many times. I also have experienced healing in my emotional body after being abused as a child. The best healing of all came in my spiritual being as the Lord restored my relationship with Him. Matthew Henry writes that when we allow God to heal us spiritually, we will have His peace. I can attest to that. I have His peace throughout the storms of life. I know He is always with me no matter what is happening. Henry also points out how we need to put God first in order to receive a spiritual healing. Another aspect of being healed is that we need to tell others about what Christ has done in our life. Maybe this is what He wanted me to be reminded of this morning. I need to share my story more. In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy we are told in verses five and six, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts." I live by these commandments every day. The chapter continues about how we are to not only live them out but we are to share them with others. Wow, God! Thank You for the reminders from Your Word this morning. May I do better at not only living out a life sold out to You but also in sharing this way of life in a bolder way!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for reminding me of what You desire from my life. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May I not miss any opportunity You put before me. May Your love flow freely out of me. Father, this morning I pray for children who are without their physical needs being met but most of all those without their spiritual needs being met. May You put someone before them that will show Your love to them in a mighty way. I also pray for our new DS and his family as they go through this time of transition. May You be very real to them in the days ahead. May You go before them and open doors that need opened as they prepare to move to South Carolina. I also pray for Doc as he goes back to work today. May You be not only his physical strength but most importantly his spiritual strength. Lord, once again I pray for wisdom with decisions that need made in our lives. May You be so very real in these circumstances. Go before us and show us the desire of Your heart. Thank You Jesus for being the Lover of My Soul. Amen.

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