Friday, July 6, 2018

II Timothy 1:7 - "Healer"

Waking up from a dream that was more like a nightmare can be frightening. Yet the first thing God did was to bring II Timothy 1:7 to my mind. Experiencing something trying in a dream that you have already experienced in life is hard to shake when you wake up yet the Lord knew what I needed. He knew I needed to be reminded that it was just a dream and not life right now. I wonder if I would have prayed for Him to take over my dreams before going to sleep if I would have had it. Perhaps He wanted to remind me of how He empowers me every day. Or perhaps it was to bring people to my mind to pray for. There were people from Willard in it even though the setting was here. No matter what the reason I had it I am thankful for II Timothy 1:7 that comforts and empowers me. Paul wrote the letters to Timothy  to encourage him as a pastor. He wrote of the endurance needed for those in ministry. He also wrote to encourage him to continue to be faithful and courageous during troubling days.  In the words of Matthew Henry...

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, of courage and resolution, to meet difficulties and dangers; the spirit of love to him, which will carry us through opposition. And the spirit of a sound mind, quietness of mind. The Holy Spirit is not the author of a timid or cowardly disposition, or of slavish fears. We are likely to bear afflictions well, when we have strength and power from God to enable us to bear them. 

"...bear afflictions well, when we have strength and power from God to enable us to bear them." Yes! His empowerment is the best way to get through physical issues in life. He will give exactly what is needed when we are open to allowing Him to do so. He will give peace in the midst of the storms of the unknown. He will love us through afflictions in a way that will not make sense. Plain and simple. He will. But first we must be willing to allow Him such freedom. Too many times doctors are sought first instead of the Great Physician. Or people will go to the doctor and expect him to preform a miracle when in fact God is the only One who can do so.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder that You give me empowerment and not fear. Thank You for the way You use Scripture to encourage me. Thank You for all You have done for me in the past and all You will do for me in the future. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit as You fill me with more of You. I pray for those who are going through tough days in their physical bodies. I ask for Your will to be healing. I know healing comes in many forms and Father I am asking 'whatever it takes' for their healing to happen. Thank You Jesus for being My Healer. Amen.

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