Monday, July 23, 2018

I John 3 - "Never Too Far Gone"

The Lord woke me during the night and again this morning singing these words to "Never Gone Too Far"...

There's no distance too far, that I can't reach you
There's no place that's so dark, that I can't find you
Anywhere that you are, if you need proof
Take a look at these scars, and know I love you

Oh how I wish more people would realize the truth in these words. I've heard people joke about how 'if they walked into a church, the roof would cave in.' Those words are just an excuse. Another excuse is 'I can't go to church until I quit' smoking or drinking or whatever their habit is. These are just excuses that are lies from the enemy. God loves each and every one. He desires to be in relationship with all. We all have a past which gives us a story to tell. Our testimony can be what changes people's lives. When people find out how God transformed us from being one way to living His way, they will be more apt to accept Him in their life. When people see the happiness and peace we receive through a life with Him, they will desire the same. We need to get better at sharing our testimony. As we share it, we are sharing His love. I John 3 talks of God's love for us. We are to follow His example and love others with our whole being. God loves us enough that He gave His Son to die for us. He loves us enough that He takes us back into relationship even when we walk away from Him. He loves us enough to overcome the sins we commit. Plain and simple. He loves us enough. That is something to share! Why would we not share His love? What would ever keep us from wanting others to know what we have in Him? There are no reasons for such behavior. There are excuses used but they are not valid. 'I'm just not good at talking to people' or 'People won't like me if I push Jesus on them.' Excuse me? If we are not telling others of Him, we are not doing what He put us on this earth to do. Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the task of all believers. It is not just up to pastors but everyone. People are dying every day and going to hell because of the excuses believers use to not share about Him. Matthew Henry writes of verse eleven of I John 3, "We should love the Lord Jesus, value His love, and therefore love all..." How much value of His love do we show to Him? How many people to we share His love with on a daily basis? How much influence are we making in people's lives? When was the last time we changed someone's life through our words and love of Christ? These are some hard questions to answer but they shouldn't be. If we truly desire to live in the presence of the Holy Spirit, we must love as He loved. The last verse of I John 3 reads:

Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

I desire to live in His will with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit working in and through me. The only way for this to be accomplished is by loving with His love. That means loving in an unselfish manner. It means not only being aware of what He desires but walking the road of obedience to fulfill it. Living out His love is not always easy but it always is a blessing.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace! Thank You for the testimony of my past that make a transformation not only in my future but in other's futures. Thank You for being My Guide on this road of life. Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of Your love. May You empower me to live out Your love in a different, new way throughout this day. Thank You Jesus for being the Lover of My Soul. Amen.

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