Sunday, July 8, 2018

II Timothy 4:1-4 - "Resurrection Power"

Last night before going to bed I asked the Lord if we could have a full night's sleep. I told Him if He needed to wake me to pray I was fine with it but I asked if there could be no other reasons to be woke up. Three times He woke me with Mordecei wanting to go out. That is very unusual for him to need out three times in a nine hour period so I knew it was the Lord. He probably knew Mordecei would be the only way to wake me as I was so tired. LOL. Before going to sleep He had me pray in general for pastors who would be in the pulpit today, especially Kevin who was starting at his new church. The first time He woke me it was for pastors who had services on Saturday night. He had me pray for those in the congregation to have changed hearts from the services. The second time He woke me it was for people who would receive His call on their life in services this weekend. He had me pray for them to respond with a 'yes' and go forward in a walk of obedience. He had me pray specifically for them to "not allow the enemy to put doubts in their minds through other people." I do not understand the call to preach on my life but I know He does. I do not understand how I can preach when Doc is the lead pastor. But I feel like I am on a 'need to know' basis and He will reveal that aspect of my call in His time. Until that revelation I will continue on the road of obedience in fulfilling my call. Receiving a 99.3% on my sermon from my professor confirmed my call and encourages me to continue on this road. The third time He woke me He had me pray for the pastors who returned or are returning from the mission trip to Guatemala this weekend. I hope they have someone filling the pulpit for them this morning. I prayed for them to be on-fire for God as they share their experiences. I also prayed for the work they completed to have planted seeds that will grow in abundance. The first thing I thought of when the clock went off was 'I need to pray for pastors who are preparing to go into the pulpit this morning.' Saturday night prayers for pastors is one of my favorite times of the week. I know people pray for me and I am blessed to be used as His servant to pray for others. Praying for pastors took a special part of my heart many years ago and continues to grow as I fulfill my call. There are few people who comprehend the life of a pastor unless they are one. Maybe that is why God has me praying for them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the confirmation of my call to preach through the grade on my sermon. Thank You for the way You encourage me to continue this road even though I do not understand how it will all work out. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a different, new way. Once again, be with all pastors today to be a beacon of light for You. I pray a special pray for Paula and Jack. May Your healing hand come down upon her in a mighty way. Thank You Jesus for being The One to Call Me. Amen.

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