Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Matthew 14:22-33 - "Walking On Water"

Helen Kellar was born deaf, blind, and couldn't speak yet she found her way out of the darkness of life and lived life to the fullest. She said, "Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all." Wow! She had a great outlook on life even in her circumstances. Many people would have given up yet she fought. She took risks when others would have quit. That is how a life of faith is. Risks are taken as things the Lord asks of you don't make sense. I think of Noah when he was told to build the ark or David when he was up against Goliath. Sometimes in this life there are times where we want to quit but that is not what the Lord desires of us. He wants us to continue on even when life is hard or doesn't make sense. I think of Peter and the disciples when they were out in a boat on the Sea of Galilee in the night with a storm. We read of this account in Matthew fourteen. Peter challenged Jesus in verse twenty-eight. "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." Jesus told him, "Come." As Peter started walking across the water, the storm scared him and he began to sink but Jesus saved him. Instead of Peter having his eyes of Jesus, he was looking at his circumstances. This happens to us today. Everything is going along great and something happens that rocks our world. Sometimes the first person we blame is God. Sometimes we feell like He failed us yet He hasn't. The times where our world falls apart are many times when He is trying to get our focus to stay on Him. It is during these times He stretches our faith. Peter learned that night that he must stay focused on Jesus to do imaginable things. No one other than Jesus had ever walked on water yet with Jesus empowerment Peter did. When we trust God, He will empower us with supernatural power that will enable us to do things unheard of. It is through such trust that miracles happen. People's bodies are healed of diseases, marriages are restored, prodigals are returned. The thing we must remember is that it will happen in God's time, not necessarily our time. Peter walking on water took getting out of the boat and experiencing the power of God. It took a step of faith. It took obedience no matter what the risk. It took saying 'yes' when Jesus was asking the impossible. It took overcoming fear and trusting. It took getting out of his comfort zone, although I'm not sure how comfortable Peter was in the midst of the storm! Peter knew he would be safe with Jesus and that is why he got out of the boat. His life was changed just as ours is today when we say 'yes' to Him. Life is never the same after taking that step. A song that was in my mind every time I was awake during the night goes...

There's no turning back
Nothing in the past
My eyes are on You again
Can't see nothing at all
But Your outstretched arms
Help me believe it
Though I falter

Saying 'yes' to God and 'walking on water' takes looking forward. It takes believing, trusting, and having faith to do whatever He asks. There are people I know right now on a mission trip to Guatemala. Before I went to sleep the Lord had me pray for them to 'walk on water' where He is leading them. I don't know what that means but He does and that is all that matters. He also had me pray for the family of a little guy who is going through some pretty tough things and may not be with them much longer. He had me pray for them to find Him so they could trust Him. He also had me pray for three ladies who are going through health issues and need to trust Him in the process. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder of Peter's supernatural experience. Thank You for the supernatural experiences You will put before me as I trust You. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Lord, I continue to pray for this situation with my sermon video. I pray it will be resolved today. I also pray for Doc as he goes to work today. I continue to pray for an open door for him to not be in this position. Lord, may You be greater than his aches and pains today. May You be his supernatural empowerment. Bless our time with the children and teens tonight in a mighty way. Thank You Jesus for being My Supernatural Empowerment. Amen.

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