Sunday, July 22, 2018

II Timothy 1:7 - "Fearless"

I don't think I've ever had a Saturday night so full of prayers for pastors. Multiple times the Lord woke me to pray for different ones...

  • those who have been on recent mission trips to stand up against the enemy who does not like the progress for the Lord's Kingdom that was made while they were away 
  • some who are dealing with health issues or with health issues of their spouse
  • a retired pastor who is struggling with gaining his physical strength back after going through multiple health issues
  • children's and youth pastors who need to have His wisdom with delicate situations that arise in their ministry with children and their parents
One time when He woke me He reminded me of a video I watched this week of Pastor James preaching about what life would look like if more people said 'yes' when God asked them to do something. He had me pray for more spirit-filled sermons such as this one to be preached today. He reminded me the purpose that should be behind every sermon is for transformation in people's lives.

Another time He woke me it was to pray specifically for my pastor/husband for a renewal in his physical, mental, emotional, and most of all spiritual body. He has been through tough days physically which has taken a toll on the rest of his being. The Lord had me pray for him to have restoration in every aspect of his being. He had me pray for his wisdom to be from the Lord in all decisions that he makes. He also had me pray for people to support him in prayer and by sharing words of encouragement to him.

The last time He woke me up with the words to "Fearless" going through my mind...

These mountains
These giants 
Will fall at a single word
In Your name
In Your strength
I'm more than a conqueror

But I wasn't given the spirit of fear
I was given the power of love
Everything I've been fighting against
I'm gonna lift it up

I wanna be fearless
No holding back
No backing down
Because I believe You're with me now
Bring on the unknown
Lead me and I'll go
Come set me free
God, I want to be

He told me there are some pastors who are giving into fear that the enemy has put upon them. They are allowing the enemy to be control instead of Him. He had me pray their eyes would be opened to what is happening in their life. He also had me pray for them to realize how the enemy is trying to destroy their ministry. The Lord will protect them but if they continue allowing the enemy in, His protection will be no longer. There are some times in prayer that what is revealed to me breaks my heart. This was one of them. It hurts to see people's lives being taken over by the enemy but when it happens with someone in ministry the hurt goes deeper. It is not only their life being effected but so many others too. Oh how I pray for hearts to be open in these situations. He also had me pray for those who He has asked to be bolder or go a different direction yet they are holding back. His will is desired of them. When they take the next step for Him, they will be blessed in abundance. The road of willingness to Him is not easy but it is where His peace is greatly realized. He had me pray for more pastors to be filled with His love to the point it naturally flows out of them.

I am physically drained after being up so much during the night but I know He will be my strength throughout this day. I am privileged to be a prayer warrior. I do not always like what He reveals to me but He has His reasons and that is all that matters. He must think I can handle such things or He wouldn't give them to me. As I start this day, I am praying for more of Him and less of me. I am praying for His supernatural strength to take over in me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to be a prayer warrior. Thank You for all the people who have answered the call to be pastors. Thank You for the cleansing in my soul this morning so You can fill me to overflowing with Yourself. Thank You for calling me to be who You have called me to be. Thank You for the ones You put before my path. May Your eyes be mine today so I do not miss any opportunity to share Your love. May Your voice show through in my words. I pray especially for Your attitude in my being today as I am so tired. Renew my spirit. Father, give me Your wisdom with decisions that need made. Thank You Father for being My Conqueror! Amen.

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