Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Psalm 121 - "Shoulders"

When I was awake during the night the Lord had me praying for those who are struggling in relationships. He had me pray for people to realize no one is perfect. Therefore, we must learn to look past the flaws of people and love on them with His love. 

  • Marriage is not always a bed of roses. Sometimes husbands and wives say and/or do things out of hurt. When we take the wedding vows to love one another "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health...," we are saying no matter what happens in life we will stay together while on this earth. Marriage takes work on both parts. It is hard when one spouse works at it and the other does not but with God all things are possible.
  • Families are also ones I prayed for during the night. People are different even when raised in the same home by the same parents. There are especially differences once siblings marry because they bring another person's way of doing things into the mix. God desires us to love everyone, including those we don't see eye-to-eye with. He desires us to love with His love. I used to tell my boys when they were growing up, "you don't have to like them, but you do have to love them with God's love." That means loving unconditionally. It means loving when you may not want to love. It means being nice instead of hateful, vengeful, etc.
  • Friendships were also in my prayers. When one person talks about another with a third person, there is nothing but disaster ready to happen. Communication needs to be between the two people involved in a relationship. Too many times words get changed when talking with someone about another. Unnecessary hurt is the outcome. Sometimes that hurt takes a long time to go away. Sometimes it never goes away.
  • Parents of prodigals were also in my prayers. There is so much hurt and pain in their lives. They know they raised their children different than how they are living. They know God loves them and will protect them but there are days where He seems so far away. People ridicule them as parents. Their friends and families put judgment upon them that is unnecessary. These parents can be overwhelmed with the feeling of not only being a failure but also of being alone in life.
Many prayers were said for different ones who fall into these categories. My heart breaks for them. I prayed people would turn to the Lord for not only comfort but most of all wisdom on how to handle the situations they are facing. Some of the situations I prayed for are fresh while others have been going on for years. I prayed for there to be resolution before things became even worse. I prayed for people to realize God is the Only One who can restore relationships. He is the Only One who can open eyes and hearts to the truth. He is the Only One who can heal the deep hurts caused by another person's words and actions.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You chose me to be Your faithful servant. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. Put opportunities in my path today for me to show others Your love in a mighty way. I pray once again for many who are struggling in relationships to be healed not only in their emotional bodies but most especially their spiritual bodies. Some who are going through tough times in relationships have pulled away from You. Some are blaming You. I pray their lives will be changed today. Thank You Jesus for being My Only One. Amen.

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