Monday, July 2, 2018

Psalm 148 - "So Will I"; "Not Today

Psalm 148 tells us to praise the Lord. What should we do on days when everything seems to go wrong? We should still praise the Lord. What should we do when we pray and do what the Lord tells us to do and yet there are obstacles in the way? Praise the Lord. Is it easy to praise Him when we feel like we are constantly getting stopped? No but it is necessary. If we do not praise the Lord through the ups and downs of life, the enemy will have a foothold. Two songs come to my mind this morning as I reflect on last night. One says that if every aspect of nature will sing praises to God "So Will I." Another one is about how we need to stand up against the enemy....

I'll sing the night into the morning
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your name
Let the devil know not today

If we expect to win over the enemy, we must do it in God's strength. The best way to have His strength is to live in His presence. The way to live in this manner is by dying to self and allowing Him control over our life. When we give the enemy one little inch to creep in, he will try to take over. A life directed by him is a life that is miserable. A life directed by God is a life where there is peace in the midst of the storms that come our way. I will admit I'm tired of the constant fight with the enemy. I'm tired of it seeming as if everything we try to do to further the Kingdom gets messed with. BUT I know my God is greater than the junk the enemy throws our way. My God is greater than county bureaucracy, cameras/computers not working together, etc. Plain and simple. My God is greater. I will continue to stand in His strength and empowerment. I will bask in His peace in the midst of turmoil. I will praise Him through every aspect of life. He will continue to be the One to empower me through the ups and downs of life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders of these two songs today. Thank You for the Scripture You brought to me. Thank You for the promises You give in Your Word. Father, I also praise You for the message You gave me to share yesterday and for the three who made a decision to draw closer to You. I praise You for my sister being released from the hospital. I praise You for the way You are going to work things out for my sermon to get uploaded to NBC. Father, I pray for those who are going through difficult days to find Your peace. I pray for those who need a spiritual touch to receive it. Most of all I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with Yourself. Thank You for being The One I Praise. Amen.

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