Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Psalm 34 - "Into The Sea"

It is so hard to believe it is the first of February! Where did January go? February is known as the month of love with having Valentine's Day. I was praying this morning for many who struggle with this month. It is hard for many to see heart decorations everywhere. Those without a special person in their life struggle with seeing couples. Yesterday when I was at the waterfront I saw a couple having a picnic lunch. I thought of the time my Rickey and I picked up sandwiches at Alvin Ord's to eat there before I went to see Marion. This time when the memory came to me I didn't cry as in times past but I know the tears will probably happen again. February is a month of expectation for many ladies waiting on their honey to 'pop' the question for marriage. It is a month of expectation for many couples who are trying to conceive. This morning I am praying for...
  • widows/widowers who are missing their spouse
  • those single who desire to have a special someone in their life
  • couples who are financially strapped and trying to figure out a way to celebrate Valentine's Day
  • couples who find themselves once again disappointed with not being pregnant
  • little boys and girls who don't have what other kids have to share for Valentine's Day
  • parents who are grieving what their sick child is missing out on and those who are grieving the loss of their child
  • men who want to propose yet are afraid of being rejected or afraid the ring won't be 'perfect' for their special lady
February is definitely an emotional month whether 'good' or 'bad' emotions show through. It is a month many want to just get over with. Maybe that is why God made it the shortest month of the year. LOL. February definitely does not look for me as I thought it would. My Rickey and I had talked of spending Valentine's Day together and he kept hinting it would be one I would never forget. I do not understand the 'why?' of why he was taken so soon but I do know God has me here for a reason. That reason is to love with His love. All who believe in Him need to get better at sharing his love. The season He gave me with my Rickey was special. He left me with a lot of memories that will be with me for the rest of my life. God loved me so much through the thirty plus years with Doc and then with the time with my Rickey. God used both of them to make me be who He desires me to be. I am so thankful for that. I am thankful for the knowledge their love for me will always be with me. Praise His Holy Name! As the calendar changes to February I need to be more intentional in loving people with His love. He loves me greatly and I feel His love every moment of the day. Therefore, I need to make sure others feel His love too. There are so many hurting people who will experience deep hurt this month. This morning I am reminded of a song Paul shared with me right after Doc's death called "Into The Sea" and pray for those hurting to grasp the knowledge no matter what their circumstances God is with them and "It's gonna be ok."

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way I can hear my Father singing over me "It’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok"

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for reminding me to pray for those strugging with this new month! Thank You for the memories, pictures, texts, voice mails, etc. I have of Doc and my Rickey! Thank You for giving me to opportunity to be loved by them! Lord, empower me to be more intentional to love with Your love. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts in a mighty way today. It seems like these last twenty-four hours have been filled with memories of my Rickey more than usual. Thank You for each memory I have! Thank You for continuing to be with Anna, Michael, Matt, and myself as we continue this journey! Lord, I pray for You to be so close to those who are hurting. I pray Your presence over: My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Tony and Madeline; Pete and Delores; Steve;  Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Little Jensen who needs a heart; Sharon Sebolt and her Momma Shirley; the Pottenger Family; Serena and her husband; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; a husband/father separated from his wife; Mary Lilly; Kristen Batten; those with COVID either themselves or in their family; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments...Doug and Gay; Sharon's daughter Ashley and niece Amy; Chrissy's cousins; George and Sharon; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Elaine Stoltzfus; Tammie; Little Ivy; Betty's friend in New York' and my friend recently diagnosed with mesothelioma. I pray for: Jonathan whose mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor; Little Henry and Noel who had heart surgeries; a set of twins who were born premature; and a young Momma in premature labor. Oh Lord, be so close to these families. So, so many hurting situations.  Thank You for being The One Who Loves Me! Amen.

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